Inside Soap

Bethany is trapped in a nightmare



Nathan makes out that he’s been robbed, and it’s Bethany’s fault”

There are hard-hitting scenes in Corrie this week, as Nathan puts his vile plan into action – and tries to pimp out Bethany to his mates.

Viewers have known for months that creepy Nathan is grooming his teenage girlfriend so that he and his pals can exploit her – but naive Bethany has been oblivious to his sick motives. So she’s in for a rude awakening when he introduces her to his friend Neil, and then urges her to sleep with him…

“The scene with Bethany and Neil in the bedroom is probably the most uncomforta­ble I’ve had to film so far,” reveals actress Lucy Fallon, who plays innocent Bethany. “The guy who plays Neil is really nice, but the scene itself is horrific. Luckily after we shot that scene, I got to go home for the day. I think it would have been difficult to carry on filming, because it was quite upsetting.”

There’s no doubt these scenes will be as hard to watch as they were for Lucy to film. And the sad thing is that, as the week kicks off, Bethany is tantalisin­gly close to escaping Nathan’s clutches altogether.

Sarah and Gary have already clocked that all is not right with Nathan, so they call in at his place in a bid to talk Bethany into coming home. At the point they arrive, one of Nathan’s parties is in full swing, and Bethany is already feeling a bit awkward at the fact that she and Mel are the only girls. But as Sarah and Gary tell Bethany that they want her to leave, the confrontat­ion gets heated.


When the events spiral out of control, Nathan uses the situation to his advantage and persuades Bethany that she’s better off with him than at home. And with the teen drawn in again, it’s time to put the next phase of his plan into action.

After faking a call to his bank, Nathan confides in Bethany that he’s having financial woes, and gets Mel to lie that he’s in danger of losing the salon. So when someone turns up later to collect Nathan’s camera equipment, Bethany lets him in – having no idea that it’s all part of Nathan’s sinister plot!

“Nathan comes back, and is angry with her for letting this guy take the stuff,” says Lucy.

 ??  ?? Bethany agrees to meet Neil to help ‘make up’ for Nathan’s loss
Bethany agrees to meet Neil to help ‘make up’ for Nathan’s loss

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