Inside Soap

Will Roo survive her collapse?


- Sarah Ellisw

The lives of Roo and her unborn baby hang in the balance this week, when the mum-to-be falls unconsciou­s on the side of the road!

Roo is forced to pull over in her car after she suffers severe stomach pains, before losing consciousn­ess while trying to call for help. Fortunatel­y, local medics Nate and Tori happen to be driving by on Nate’s motorbike – but poor Roo’s situation doesn’t look good…

“Just before she passes out, Roo manages to honk her car horn to get Nate and Tori’s attention,” explains our Bay insider. “She’s very lucky to have two doctors on hand to treat her – though when they realise that Roo is pregnant, Nate and Tori fear that she might be losing the baby.”

As they race Roo to hospital in her car, Nate and Tori discuss the possibilit­y that she could be suffering an ectopic pregnancy. Given the gravity of the whole situation, they prep Roo for surgery – but before they have the chance to get her to theatre, Roo goes into cardiac arrest!

“Things don’t look good for Roo,” sighs our spy. “By this point, Alf and Leah are at the hospital too, and all they can do is watch on in horror as Tori is forced to administer CPR to Roo. It’s a scary time for all involved, and nobody can say for certain whether Roo and the baby will pull through…”

Meanwhile, Alf also starts to look ropey, and as his condition worsens, Nate fears he’s having a heart attack! Will it be a double tragedy for the Stewart family?

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 ??  ?? Roo doubles over in pain at the side of the road
Roo doubles over in pain at the side of the road

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