Inside Soap

Karen: mouthy matriarch!


- Laura-jayne Tyler

It’s a baking hot Monday afternoon when Lorraine Stanley joins Inside Soap for a chat from the Eastenders set. “This heat is actually too much – unless I’m sat by a pool!” she chuckles, as we chat about the warm weather. “It’s a shame that there isn’t one on the Square – I might put that in the suggestion box!”

Well, if Inside Soap were to make a recommenda­tion of our own, we’d tell Walford bosses to keep Lorraine at the heart of the drama for as long as they can. Love her or loathe her, Karen Taylor and her rowdy clan have given

Eastenders a kick – and Lorraine couldn’t be happier with their debut…

Karen has made quite an impact in her first few weeks! How do you feel now that you’re on screen?

Really good! I’m very critical of myself, so sometimes I worry that I’m overplayin­g Karen or milking it a bit too much. But I’ve been pleased with most of it, and the reaction has been so positive.

We were shocked when Keegan turned out to be Karen’s son! Are you relieved it’s out now?

Yes, as I know what I’m like! We were at a press conference [prior to the Keegan reveal on screen] talking about the Taylors joining the show, and in my head I kept saying to myself, ‘Don’t say Keegan! Don’t say Keegan!’. And then a journalist asked me how many kids Karen had, and inside I was screaming, ‘Arghhh!’. It feels good to relax now.

Was it hard keeping it a secret from your own family as well?

I accidental­ly told my mum – before finding out that we weren’t allowed to tell anyone! I had to go back to her and tell her to keep quiet, and luckily she

hadn’t told anyone else.

I wanted to deck Stacey as well, but I weren’t allowed!

Is Karen to blame for the way Keegan has turned out? He’s hard work, and I think Karen is tough on him because she’s trying to be mum and dad at the same time. She won’t think it’s anything to do with her, but whether other people think that is a different matter! They love each other dearly, and you’ll see in episodes to come that when Keegan is with his mum, he’s a different person.

How did you react when you found out that one of your first scenes would involve punching Letitia Dean, who plays Sharon?

I screamed! I’ve watched Tish for years, ever since the show started, so I couldn’t believe it. I was praying she wouldn’t hate me, but we were laughing the whole way through.

And Karen went head-tohead with Stacey, too!

I know! She come right in my face and I said to the writer, “I’m sure Karen would have decked her as well” – but I weren’t allowed!

What would you say to viewers who don’t like Karen’s fiery side?

I can imagine that Karen is your worst nightmare! She’s a strong woman who won’t take any crap, and is aggressive for her kids if she needs to be. But Karen also has a heart of gold, and when her vulnerabil­ity comes through, you really feel for her. She’s the sort that would give you her last fiver.

It looks as if Karen will make more friends than enemies this week, after she strikes up a sweet friendship with Jane and wangles a cleaning job at Beales restaurant. It’s just a shame tight-fisted Ian couldn’t stretch to a waitressin­g role, as 41-year-old Lorraine has plenty of experience…

Rumour has it that you were waiting on royalty prior to Eastenders!

Oh God, yeah, I was waitressin­g right up until I found out I’d won the role. I’m freelance, so I work for a lot of private chefs and we go to very well-to-do houses in Knightsbri­dge. I’ve served Prince Charles, politician­s, all sorts.

How does Karen get on working with Ian, Steven and co?

Karen just stands there with her mop and bucket and chats and chats while Ian is trying to get on with his work – she’s his worst nightmare! And she really doesn’t like being told what to do, so she might not last long!

How do unlikely friends Karen and Jane come to meet?

Karen helps Jane in the Square, so Jane sees a side to her that others haven’t. Karen offers her advice on how to claim money and things like that, cos obviously she is quite savvy about things like that! It’s a funny scene, actually. Karen then invites herself round to the Beale house to watch the tennis, and Jane doesn’t get much say in the matter!

You haven’t been a mum for long in real life. How are you juggling parenthood with being on telly?

It’s the perfect job for a mother as I’m not in work every day, and when I am, my daughter goes to nursery or is with her nan. I was at home with my little girl every day for 18 months, so it’s nice to go out, buy nappies and get the bread in!

Our spies tell us that Karen has a few more shocks to come on screen with regards to her kids. What can you tell us?

You’ll see coming up, and not just with a particular story, that Karen is trying her best and not getting anywhere. She’s a single mum looking after all these children, and she’s hit rock bottom. I know Keegan is a bit of a sod, but

I think you’ll see that all her children are actually good kids, and that’s a testament to Karen. That’s when we’ll really get her vulnerable side – if I play it right!

 ??  ?? Beer boggles: Karen asks for a job, but doesn’t get a good reaction from Mick and Shirl
Beer boggles: Karen asks for a job, but doesn’t get a good reaction from Mick and Shirl
 ??  ?? Slap and tickled: Lorraine loved getting in there with Tish Dean!
Slap and tickled: Lorraine loved getting in there with Tish Dean!
 ??  ??

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