Inside Soap

Adam Thomas


- Laura Heffernan

“Adam has been having boy time with Aaron – which they both need!”

Loveable Adam Barton has always worn his heart on his sleeve, and never been one to hide his devotion to beautiful wife Victoria. The seemingly strong couple managed to work through the news of Adam’s fertility problems, but in the end he blew it when he shared a drunken snog with Vanessa – the same woman who’d come between the pair before they married. Cheating on Vic for a second time has to be the biggest mistake of Adam’s life – and Adam Thomas, who’s played the character since 2009, tells us that he’d love for them to build more bridges…

“I certainly would like to see it, but I don’t know about Izzy [Hodgins, aka Victoria]!” grins the actor. “I want Adam and Vic to get back together because they’ve been through a lot, and I think they’re just made for each other. Isabel is brilliant to work with – we share great chemistry and always have a laugh. Fingers crossed that they can save the relationsh­ip!”

Although the couple have separated, relations between them have remained amicable. So when stubborn Adam refuses to seek medical advice over his perplexing eye problems, Victoria insists he see a doctor, then accompanie­s him to the hospital. The pair may only be friends at this stage, but Adam can’t help but wonder if Vic wants more, after he learns she turned down a job to look after him.

“The fact that she put work on hold for him shows there’s still a little flame, I think,” contemplat­es the 29-year-old star. “It’s like old times, and Adam seems to think there’s light at the end of the tunnel. He could be getting his wires crossed! He’s never stopped loving Victoria, but she can’t get over what he did to her – and I don’t blame her.” It doesn’t look as if rekindled romance is totally off the table, because to Adam’s delight, he and Victoria end up sharing a kiss! And while Victoria’s pal Finn is over the moon to hear that her marriage may be back on track, Diane’s views leave her conf licted. In real life, Adam recently got hitched to Caroline Daly following a nine-year relationsh­ip – so the star has some words of wisdom for his alter ego.

“I’d advise him to take a step back and not push things too much,” he muses. “Adam broke this woman’s heart, so he needs to give her as much time as she needs. Just let it happen, because hopefully she loves him too. But if she doesn’t want to get back with him, it’s his fault at the end of the day.”

While Adam was left to lick his wounds after Victoria walked out, he’s learned from the experience and is now doing everything he can to help his best mate Aaron get

Adam broke this woman’s heart, so he needs to give her time

over the breakdown of his own relationsh­ip with Robert.

“Adam has been having a bit of boy time with Aaron, which I think they both need at the minute,” reckons the actor. “It’s nice to know they’ve got each other. It’s been great for me because I love working with Danny Miller [Aaron], and I’ve missed doing these sort of scenes. We’re good mates in real life. too. We play FIFA together at work, and then at night when we get home! “I’d love to see Danny do I’m A Celebrity…,” adds Adam, who came third in last year’s series. “Not many people get to see the Danny we do. He’s a real force of nature and so funny. Danny is the full package – and he’s scared of insects, too, so it’d be hilarious to see how he’d deal with the jungle!” In the meantime, viewers will have to wait and see whether Mr and Mrs Barton are ready to start afresh – but Adam, who has announced he’s leaving Emmerdale next year, reveals that he’s been busy with big storylines that will start to play out in the coming weeks…

“I’m part of some great plots coming up, and will get to work with some top actors – Gill [Kearney, aka Emma], Natalie [J Robb, who plays Moira] and Jeff [Hordley, aka Cain],” he enthuses. “I can’t wait for everyone to see the results!”

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 ??  ?? Too many cooks: Adam ruined Victoria’s happiness by foolishly hooking up with Vanessa
Too many cooks: Adam ruined Victoria’s happiness by foolishly hooking up with Vanessa
 ??  ?? Clean Vic?: Can Adam and his wife put the past behind them?
Clean Vic?: Can Adam and his wife put the past behind them?
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