Inside Soap

Michelle learns her stalker is Will



Michelle is taken aback when creepy Will makes a move on her this week – but the situation reaches dangerous new heights as she finally realises that he is her stalker!

With Robert in prison – and the two of them having agreed to pretend they’ve split up for her safety – oblivious Michelle decides to invite Will to be her plus-one to Eva and Aidan’s wedding. However, after they learn about all the drama that’s ensued (see pp4-9 for more), they decide to head back to Will’s place instead. And as her ex showers her with affection, it’s not long before Michelle learns the terrifying truth…

“Will is very forward, and even suggests she move in with him so he can ‘protect’ her from her stalker,” reveals our Street snoop. “All this time, Michelle’s seen Will as a good friend who’s been looking out for her, but he proves his feelings run deeper than that when he tries to kiss her! In spite of it, he’s still harmless as far as Michelle’s concerned – but that changes after Will leaves the room and she finds a folder full of photos of her. How will she get out of this?”

At the start of the week, Michelle is going through hell thanks to Will’s sick infatuatio­n with her, yet still believes that Robert’s nasty nemesis Rich is responsibl­e for her trauma. Meanwhile, Will believes Michelle’s romance with Robert is done and dusted, and that he has a real chance.

However, the monster realises that he’s been duped after he

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 ??  ?? And it seems like such a nice, civilised meeting…
And it seems like such a nice, civilised meeting…

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