Inside Soap

Ali locks lips with Carla!


- Kate White

There could be shock new passion on the cobbles this week, as Michelle’s son Ali plants a kiss on Carla!

Things get steamy while Carla is on a mission to broker a truce between Ali and his mum, hoping to persuade him to attend Michelle and Robert’s wedding. Michelle is desperate to build bridges with her son, but so far he’s snubbed her efforts. Meanwhile, Carla is convinced she can make him see sense, so invites Ali for a glass of wine at Roy’s flat – however, as the vino flows, Ali reveals there’s only one Connor lady he’s interested in…

“Carla didn’t see this coming!” laughs our snitch. “Ali is a handsome lad, but she’s never thought about him like that. To her, this is Michelle’s son and the target of her peace-keeping efforts. She’s stunned when he kisses her.”

Both Carla and Robert have been trying their best to help Michelle in her mission to win back her biological son. They realise how bizarre the situation is, and how guilty Michelle feels for turning her back on

Ali after she discovered he and Ryan had been accidental­ly swapped as babies. With her wedding to Robert coming up, Michelle wants to be stressfree – but the pain she feels over the Ali situation is ruining everything. So when Robert’s attempts to win Ali over fall flat, Carla believes she could be Michelle’s only hope.

“Steve is the only person who’s broken through Ali’s icy exterior, yet even he’s not been able to persuade him to consider forgiving Michelle,” says our spy. “Carla feels confident after Ali agrees to share a bottle of red with her, but he’s not interested in talking about his mum. In fact, Ali is keen to let Carla know another secret – that he’s always had the hots for her! And then suddenly he’s kissing her.”

Ali has always had the hots for Carla – and now he’s kissing her!”

Given all she’s been through, a bit of excitement with a sexy toy boy is just what the doctor ordered for Carla. However, if she returns his attention, she risks destroying her close bond with sister-in-law Michelle.

Given how strained things have been, Michelle will be jealous of Carla being close to Ali anyway. But the idea that they are romantical­ly involved could push her over the edge…

 ??  ?? Ali leans in to kiss his cougar quarry
Ali leans in to kiss his cougar quarry
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Easy-going Steve has shared a drink with Ali
Easy-going Steve has shared a drink with Ali
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Carla believes she can make Ali see sense regarding Michelle
Carla believes she can make Ali see sense regarding Michelle

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