Inside Soap

Liv arrested after fessing up!


- Allison Jones

Guilty Liv looks set to end up behind bars this week – after she confesses to the Dingles that she played a role in spiking Lisa’s drink, leaving the matriarch seriously ill!

But when police officers arrive to arrest the troubled youngster, despite the fact that Liv’s partner-in-crime Gabby has already taken the blame, who has called the cops on Liv? And will both the girls find themselves sent to jail?

“Aaron has convinced Liv that letting Gabby take the blame is the right thing to do – but Liv is still torn,” shares Isobel Steele, who plays her. “The people who love Liv claim that Gabby should be allowed to make her own decision about keeping Liv out of it, since otherwise this could ruin Liv’s life as she knows it. If Liv doesn’t own up to what she did, then she doesn’t need to be involved. But that’s really difficult for Liv to deal with!”

The cat ends up well and truly out of the bag, however, once Liv decides to tell Lisa that she spiked her pint after Gabby stole a vial of ketamine from vet Vanessa’s bag – leaving Zak, Belle and her brother Aaron horrified. Shortly afterwards, officers turn up to arrest Liv, meaning one of her own has broken the precious Dingle family code and called the police – or has someone else decided to grass her up? Regardless of who it was that made the call, once teenager Liv is charged with theft and administer­ing a noxious substance, she’s potentiall­y facing a criminal sentence…

“Liv could be sent to a young offenders’ unit,” sighs Isobel. “She always makes out that she’s stronger than she is, but I think she’d struggle if that’s what ended up happening. Anyone would find it tough in such a place – but Liv is a vulnerable target, so she’d have an especially hard time.”

Liv wouldn’t have it easy if she ended up being sent to prison”

While only time will tell what her future now holds, Liv is already falling apart in the wake of what she’s done, and – as she has done during other tough times – is soon hitting the bottle once more.

“Liv feels very guilty,” admits Isobel. “It leads to her drinking more than usual as she feels so bad. She’s already heard her family talking about how much they hate Gabby for what she’s done when they thought only she was involved, so that’s playing on Liv’s mind – and she’s struggling with it. And that’s why she definitely wouldn’t have it easy if she were to be put away…”

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 ??  ?? Gabby has so far taken sole blame for her and Liv’s careless crime
Gabby has so far taken sole blame for her and Liv’s careless crime

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