Inside Soap


Why is hubby Tim brawling in the street?


The Mayor of Weatherfie­ld will soon be embroiled in a major scandal, if these dramatic snaps are anything to go by!

Corrie stars Sally Dynevor (Sally) and Joe Duttine (Tim) have been spotted filming scenes which show Tim lashing out and punching newcomer Duncan! With rumours hinting that Sally’s future as mayor will be under threat after she falls foul of a con artist, could Duncan turn out to be the rotter in question?

“We all know how seriously Sally takes her role as mayor – so imagine how humiliated she will be once she realises she’s been taken in by a complete shyster!” gasps our Corrie insider. “She prides herself on being a respected pillar of the community, so if her reputation is brought into disrepute, she’ll never be able to show her face on the cobbles again!”

Viewers will recall that Duncan – father of Rosie’s model pal Olivia – recently turned up looking for a big favour from Sally. So what could have happened since to cause laid-back Tim to lose his rag and smash Duncan’s face in?

“Duncan asked Sally to help him with his applicatio­n for a charity grant,” our mole reminds us. “Sally was flattered into offering up her services, even though the deadline for the applicatio­n had already passed! But could Duncan have an ulterior motive for buttering up the mayor?”

We definitely thought there was something fishy about ‘Hunky Dunky’ – as Tim called him – and we wouldn’t be surprised if he has brought big trouble to the Metcalfes’ door!

Viewers can find out what sneaky Duncan is really up to when these scenes air later in the summer.

 ??  ?? Duncan is set to cause big trouble for Tim and Sally Sneak ON-SET PICS!
Duncan is set to cause big trouble for Tim and Sally Sneak ON-SET PICS!
 ??  ?? Could Sally’s reputation be left in tatters?
Could Sally’s reputation be left in tatters?

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