Inside Soap



LEWIS IS BACK! Weatherfie­ld’s infamous con man set the Platt among the pigeons after convincing Audrey to give him another chance. Gail’s adamant that a leopard never changes its spots – is she right about Lewis?

Audrey had such an elaborate plan to hide Lewis at her home and have him looking after her every need – so what a scary moment when they saw Gail through the window! Me thinks it was the green-eyed monster that was bothering Gail, though, not her caring about her mother. | Sylvia

Thank mercy for Lewis Archer! Between the injustice of Sally’s fraud and the heartbreak of Sean’s homeless plot, last week’s Corrie made me want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon. However, as soon as Lewis appeared wearing Audrey’s pink oven gloves, I knew that we were in for a treat. | Caroline

I can’t believe Weatherfie­ld bosses waited this long to bring back Nigel Havers to the show. Good or bad, Lewis is the gift that keeps on giving, and the sort of character that us Corrie viewers thrive on. | Dave

Lewis could have nicked £40,000,000 off Gail and I’d still want to see him and Audrey live happily ever after, quaffing champagne at her posh house! And who doesn’t love seeing Gail in a right flap? | Gillian

Was Gail’s outrage justified? Some of you think so…

Is Audrey a complete idiot? Even if Lewis is reformed, how can she ever truly trust him again? It pains me to think that Gail has a point… | Madge Oh, I really hope not. Prove the doubters wrong, Lewis! 37

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