Inside Soap


“It’s been fun to play Grace as pathetic!”

- TAMARA WALL Grace Black

We were worried our Best Bad Girl nominee Grace Black hadn’t done anything wicked lately – then she had a gun delivered to her front door in a box of fried chicken! And Tamara Wall is thrilled her alter ego is back to her bad best…

How does it feel to have Grace finally fighting back against Glenn?

I’ve been itching for her to fight back for ages! When this story first started, I remember Glenn smashed a glass and got Grace to clear it up, and I said, “It’s got to be far worse than this!” I wish I’d never said that, because it got so much worse than I imagined.

What’s the hardest thing that you’ve had to film this year?

When Glenn made Grace eat food off the floor – that was the most broken she has been. And it was the most hideous thing I’ve ever done. I actually had to eat cold pasta off the f loor – and I hate pasta!

Was it satisfying to take Grace down to her lowest point and then build her back up again?

It was – it’s been interestin­g to play Grace a bit pathetic. But now she has friends! That’s been the weirdest thing, because Grace hasn’t had any friends before. All of a sudden I’m doing scenes with Maxine and Simone, and that’s been fun.

It’s been a great year for you personally, as well – congrats on your recent engagement!

Thank you! It’s been a whirlwind. I got set up on a blind date by Rachel Leskovac [aka Joanne Cardsley], and that was it – six months later, I’m engaged. It’s crazy! If all goes well, the wedding will be next May.

Who would you most like to take to the Inside Soap Awards?

I took my mum once – she loved it! I lost her at one point, and she was at the bar with Jen Metcalfe [Mercy] having a brilliant time! Jess Fox [Nancy] is my bestie, so I’d take her – and Jess Ellis [Tegan] is crazy on a night out. I’ve just seen her walking around set wearing a pair of shoes shaped like fish – they’re disgusting! “The viewers are desperate for Grace to kill Glenn – I’m surprised she hasn’t yet!” cackles Tamara. “She’s a bit cautious around him, though, because he’s clever – he’s on her level as far as crime goes. So she has to be sneakier than him…”

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