Inside Soap

“I don’t know how I’ll ever say goodbye to Sienna!”

- ANNA PASSEY Sienna Blake

Just when you think Sienna’s plots couldn’t get any more bonkers, her daughter Nico returns from the dead and tries to murder her! It was a turn of events that we didn’t see coming, and has earned Hollyoaks a nod in the Best Shock Twist category. Add that to Anna Passey’s (Sienna) nomination for Best Actress, and it’s no wonder she tells us that she never wants to leave the soap…

What was your reaction when

Hollyoaks bosses told you they were bringing back Nico?

It was a shock twist for me when they brought her back! I went, “Hold on a minute, did I miss something? Nico’s dead – I cried my eyes out for her!” But as they pointed out, we never saw her body. And they had this great story to bring her back on. I was so excited – I love Sienna and Nico together, and I enjoyed filming it all. So to be nominated in the Shock Twist category is very special for me.

Hollyoaks also faked Sienna’s death in May. Were you surprised by the reaction to that?

I was! I’ve always been quite lucky in that people seem to be on Sienna’s side, no matter what terrible things she’s doing. But her ‘death’ had so much momentum, and the response was way more than anyone here thought it would be. Everyone should get a fake funeral, because you get to hear what people think of you!

Was it hard keeping it quiet that Sienna was actually alive?

It was hard, but it felt like being part of a really cool secret. I didn’t even tell any of my family because they’re a nightmare! My mum would have told everyone at the hairdresse­rs’ – she just can’t help herself!

Sienna’s currently banged up for killing Nico. Were you tempted to call it a day at that point?

No – I don’t know how I’ll ever say goodbye to Sienna! As long as they enjoy writing for her, and I want to be here, then that’s great. Every time I sit down with the writers and hear what they want to do with her next, I really want to stay and play it out! It’s very hard to leave.

Will we be seeing more scenes between Sienna and her half-sister Liberty when she gets out of jail?

Yes, and they’re so different! Liberty’s so funny and sweet, and I think the audience is going to enjoy seeing Sienna navigate that responsibi­lity of having her sister there, it’s quite fun. We’re going to see Sienna with a tambourine in her hand – it’s all a bit bizarre!

And we hear that you and Jessamy [Stoddart, who plays Liberty] are sharing a flat in real life…

Yes, she didn’t have anywhere to live, and I have a guest room – I didn’t think about whether it would be weird to be working together all the time and living together too! But it’s turned out brilliantl­y, she’s super.

Who would be your dream guest to bring to the Inside

Soap Awards this year?

I need a night out with Jeremy Sheffield [who used to play Anna’s screen dad, Patrick Blake] – I keep dreaming up ways to bring him back into the show! And I think we would have a really good time together at the Inside Soap Awards. Last year’s party was one of my favourite nights out ever – I spent most of the night with people from your magazine. With other awards ceremonies you feel a bit nervous, and it’s a bit of an effort to get ready. Whereas this genuinely feels as if you’re going out for a very fun party with friends – it’s just a celebratio­n of cool stuff, and I really like that!

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