Inside Soap

Sophie falls for lawyer Paula


- Allison Jones

When everyone depends on you to keep a Weatherfie­ld legend out of jail, it’s a task not to be taken lightly! But for Sally’s former school foe Paula, it’s just another day at the office – and the steely solicitor is determined that justice will be done. However, there’s set to be an unexpected developmen­t in Sally’s case this week, as a mutual attraction starts to blossom between Paula and Sophie. And we wouldn’t want to be in Paula’s shoes should Sally discover that her lawyer is romancing her daughter! But actress Stirling Gallacher, who plays the cobbles newcomer, has every confidence in her formidable alter ego…

“I reckon Paula can handle most things – and I don’t think she’s scared of the consequenc­es,” insists the star. “It’s probably not a sensible move to get involved with someone’s daughter when you’re legally representi­ng them. However, nothing bad or illegal is happening – it’s just a poorly timed relationsh­ip. It’s a realistic story about a romance with an age gap, which for me as an actor is an intriguing angle to explore!”

Having appeared in shows including Doctors (see opposite), The Office, Little Britain, Holby City and most recently Eastenders – as the mayor of Walford – Stirling is no stranger to our television screens.

And she’s already feeling at home in Weatherfie­ld, thanks to the warm welcome of her co-stars.

“They’re a lovely bunch here,” she grins. “It’s been one of the nicest experience­s – everyone’s been fab, and couldn’t have made my life any easier. We’ve had a very good laugh, so it’s been a really lovely gig so far. I’m thoroughly enjoying it.”

The surprising spark between Sophie and Paula begins to develop after Sally concocts the idea to set up Sophie with Paula’s daughter Isla. While they prove incompatib­le, though, Stirling reckons her character and Sophie stand a much better chance at romance…

“Paula is attempting to prevent her daughter from going away travelling, but ends up a little fascinated by Sophie,” explains the actress. “While Sally is very determined to get Sophie and Isla together, Paula starts to see that the idea is a bit daft. It’s Sophie who allows Paula to realise that she should give Isla her blessing that travel is a good thing.

Sophie’s maturity and common sense is attractive!

And Paula finds that maturity and common sense in Sophie very attractive.”

Meanwhile, Paula is tasked with saving Sally’s reputation, as the lawyer fights the allegation that former mayor Sal conspired with rotten Duncan in order to rob the local council of a pile of cash. Despite the distractio­n of falling for Sophie, however, Stirling is convinced that Paula is still more than capable of taking Sally’s legal challenge in her stride.

“Paula is good at her job because she’s clear, thoughtful and smarter than the average bear,” she shares. “And if anyone can get Sally off, Paula can. As long as she keeps focused, there won’t be any bother! But she needs to decide whether she’s willing to risk her working relationsh­ip with Sally for the sake of a romance with Sophie…”

It would be horrifying if Sally were to end up behind bars because of Paula’s preoccupat­ion with her daughter! Yet Stirling is hoping that the audacious lawyer can keep everyone happy. “There will be trouble if Sally finds out about Sophie, but I’d imagine Paula could work it so they remained friends,” says the star. “If Paula can manage to get Sally out of prison, the two of them could have a good friendship – I’d love it if they were to hang out more. As two very different characters, Paula and Sally could have all sorts of bizarre adventures together – if they don’t fall out!”

 ??  ?? Law of attraction: Solicitor Paula helps Sally with her case
Law of attraction: Solicitor Paula helps Sally with her case
 ??  ?? Love Isla: Sally tries to set up Paula’s daughter with Sophie
Love Isla: Sally tries to set up Paula’s daughter with Sophie
 ??  ?? Good hair day: Paula and Sophie get very up close and personal!Cougar street: Sophie likes what she sees – butwhat would Sally say?
Good hair day: Paula and Sophie get very up close and personal!Cougar street: Sophie likes what she sees – butwhat would Sally say?

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