Inside Soap


Stuart’s wicked plan doesn’t just affect the Carter clan…


Sharon finds herself at the centre of the unfolding drama this week – in more ways than one!

After Keanu notices someone acting very suspicious­ly by the canal, he confides in Sharon about what he has seen. His words leave Sharon stunned, though she warns the young mechanic not to go to the police with his informatio­n. Instead, she promises to get to the bottom of what’s going on herself. Keanu agrees to keep quiet – but is the mysterious incident connected with Stuart and his campaign of terror against the Carters? And does Sharon know more than she is letting on?

Sharon then hands Keanu a huge wad of cash, telling the young man that he deserves it after the way Phil treated him by firing him from the Arches. Keanu is uneasy about accepting the cash, and Sharon later finds that it’s been posted back through her letterbox. And when Sharon tries phoning Keanu, he sends her call straight to voicemail. However, Sharon might soon have another problem to deal with. After she hurries 12-year-old Dennis off to school at the start of the week, the lad runs into Stuart on his journey. Although no one else is aware of the role Dennis played, Stuart recently bribed the youngster into stealing a set of keys to the Vic – enabling the villain to enter the Carter family home whenever he pleases.

Now Stuart has something for the boy to hide – but while Dennis is paid handsomely for doing his dirty work, just what is he stashing for the villain?

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