Inside Soap


...but it’s too late for Rebecca!

- Laura-jayne Tyler

Robert faces a race against time to save Rebecca this week, after Lachlan reveals that his aunt is still alive. But poor Rebecca might not stay that way for long, as the nurse guarding her loads a syringe – and appears set on finishing her off for good!

“Lachlan gives Robert an address for where Rebecca is being held,” explains actor Ryan Hawley, who plays Robert. “So he speeds there urgently, kicks the door down and forces his way in.

“Once he’s inside, though, it’s a really odd scene that greets him. It’s a very strange, bizarre set-up – clinical almost – and there are signs of a struggle. The fact that there is also blood and no sign of Rebecca doesn’t look good.”

The drama unfolds after Robert visits Lachlan in prison and demands to know where Rebecca is. Up to this point, the warped lad has been refusing to confirm her location, toying with the police and using Rebecca as leverage in a twisted game of cat and mouse.

But there is no way Robert is going to give up on the mother of his child, setting the stage for the ultimate showdown between him and Lachlan.

“Robert goes to visit him in prison,” shares Ryan. “Although Lachlan is behind bars and will eventually be punished for what he has done, he still holds all of the cards and is in complete control of the situation. He enjoys playing with Robert and getting his own back for all the grief that Robert has caused his family.”

As Robert listens intently to his former stepson, he’s horrified as Lachlan takes great pleasure in revealing that he was behind the carbon

Lachlan still holds all of the cards – he’s in complete control…”

monoxide leak that almost killed both Robert and Liv.

“It’s sickening to hear,” grimaces Ryan. “Liv said at the time that Lachlan had something to do with it, but Robert didn’t listen and thought that her imaginatio­n was running away with her. So he feels foolish, and disgusted by the lengths Lachlan would go to.”

There is no time for Robert to dwell on such matters though, as Lachlan finally says what Robert has been desperate to hear: Rebecca is alive. With that, Robert sets off to track her down – but hits a dead end at the clinical room.

“In that moment, Robert is certain that he’s too late and that Rebecca is dead,” sighs Ryan. “I guess he’s in a state of shock over the scene that greets him, and calls the police straight away. Robert is convinced that Lachlan was playing games all along.”

However, when the police tell Lachlan that Rebecca wasn’t at the address that he provided, he is genuinely confused. Lachlan insists that he didn’t kill Rebecca, but his pleas fall on deaf ears with the police – while the rest of the village raises a glass to Rebecca in the Woolpack, convinced that she is dead.

Later, Robert receives a frantic call from Lachlan, who insists that he left Rebecca with a nurse. But will anyone believe him? And is it really too late for Rebecca?

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Robert has no idea Rebecca is in danger from a sinister nurse
Robert has no idea Rebecca is in danger from a sinister nurse
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Lachlan channels his inner Hannibal Lecter by toying with Robert
Lachlan channels his inner Hannibal Lecter by toying with Robert

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