Inside Soap

Peter clashes with Tyler’s mum


- Tom Spilsbury

Carla enrages Peter this week, as she gives a job at the factory to Vicky – the mum of gang leader Tyler Jeffries. How will Carla react when Peter demands that she sack her new employee?

After Peter’s son Simon is targeted by Tyler’s mates, the angry dad is determined to do something about it. He heads over to confront the jailed thug’s mother – but the encounter doesn’t go well…

“Tyler and his crew have really made poor Simon’s life a misery,” sighs our Corrie informant. “In a petty act of revenge, the remaining gang members steal Simon’s school bag and rip up his homework – and Peter reckons enough is enough! However, when he demands Vicky do something about their behaviour, she makes it clear how she resents Simon for her ‘perfect’ boy ending up in prison. Peter doesn’t accept that, of course, telling her that Tyler only has himself to blame – yet he soon has another reason for being furious, as Carla gives Vicky a job at Underworld!”

After he hears this news, Peter desperatel­y appeals to Carla, impressing on his business partner the need to give Vicky the boot. Will Carla pay any attention to his demands when he explains who the woman’s son is?

“While Carla is sympatheti­c to young Simon’s plight, she is trying to run a business,” says our snitch. “And as Beth and Kirk both phone in sick, she’s relying on Vicky more than ever to cover their shifts. So Carla reminds Peter that she’s the one who decides who gets hired and fired, and he needs to get over himself!”

When Simon hears how his dad has tried to get Vicky sacked, he’s horrified – telling him that his interferen­ce will only make things worse for him at school. Shamefaced Peter realises that he’s made a mistake, so tries a new tack. He tells Vicky that she can keep her job on one condition – that she tells bad-boy

Tyler to call off his mates and leave Simon alone.

“Peter thinks that his peace-offering has done the trick,” reveals our mole. “He goes back to speak to Carla, assuring her that everything has been sorted out, and he no longer wants Vicky to be fired. The question is: how long can the ceasefire last?”

While Carla is bemused by Peter’s change of heart, she’s happy that everything seems to be back to normal. Peter, meanwhile, is determined to keep his eye on Vicky. After all, there’s an old saying about keeping your friends close, but your enemies closer…

Peter demands that Vicky do something about her son and his gang’s behaviour…”

 ??  ?? Vicky arrives at the factory with a chip on her shoulder
Vicky arrives at the factory with a chip on her shoulder
 ??  ??

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