Inside Soap

Kush breaks down over Shakil


- Laura-jayne Tyler

Kush rages at mum Carmel this week, following her visit to Shakil’s killer – but then finally lets go of his crushing agony, and breaks down in her arms.

Up until recently, the muscly market trader has been a tower of support for Carmel as they’ve attempted to cope with the tragic murder of their beloved Shakil. But while his mother gets involved with Sophie – the mum of Shakil’s killer – in order to find a way to move forward, poor Kush has been sinking into despair…

“Without Kush around to keep her strong, Carmel may never have survived the loss of Shakil,” reckons our Walford insider. “But while Carmel’s devastatio­n has been plain to see, Kush’s misery has been building up quietly inside. We’ve seen him hit the bottle and cheat on fiancée Denise, so it was only a matter of time before he properly snapped.”

That happens this week as Sophie’s presence in the Square pushes him to breaking point. Being the mother of Shakil’s killer Bruno, Sophie is a painful reminder of how much the Kazemis have lost as a result of such a senseless act – and Kush wants her gone.

However, after meeting with Bruno in prison and seeing his remorse, Carmel comes to Sophie’s defence – prompting her son to issue her with a shocking ultimatum!

Later, Kush heads to the Vic to drown his sorrows – and it’s only after Hayley gives him a reality check that he takes himself off home. But when Carmel spots him struggling into the flat clearly worse for wear, Kush deflects her efforts to help him by slamming the front door in her face.

“Carmel’s visit to Bruno has helped her to find some peace,” explains our source. “She sees helping Sophie as a way for something good to

It was only a matter of time before Kush properly snapped…”

come out of this terrible ordeal. Yet Kush just can’t get on board with that approach.”

Neverthele­ss, Carmel remains determined to help Sophie and, remarkably, even offers to write a letter for Bruno’s lawyer to help reduce the boy’s sentence.

Meanwhile, Kush finally lets go of his pain and sobs in his mother’s arms. However, it’s clear that he still has a long way to go in the healing process, as another run-in with Sophie at the market forces Martin to intervene.

While Kush and Sophie meet later at his flat, will he agree to hear her out after realising that she is scared of him? And will talking to the mother of his brother’s killer also help Kush to find some closure in the same way that Carmel has?

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 ??  ?? Carmel has taken Sophie under her wing – but Kush just wants her gone from under his feet
Carmel has taken Sophie under her wing – but Kush just wants her gone from under his feet
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