Inside Soap




They say that every dog has its day, and last year it was the humble Labrador that came top in ITV’S poll to find the best-loved breed of dog in the UK. This week, Sara Cox and Ben Fogle are back to do the countdown all over again, only this time it’s going out live – and if you visit there’s still time to have your say.

As well as the countdown, we’ll also be hearing some, er, shaggy dog stories about our four-legged friends and their owners – and Ben and Sara promise that these are tales not to be missed.

“We will see dogs of all shapes and sizes from right across the country,” promises Sara. “There’ll be some tears, but there will also be plenty of laughter as we hear from the owners about what their dogs have achieved.”

“I went to meet a young man who has cerebral palsy,” reveals Ben. “He spends nearly all of his time in a wheelchair and, without wanting to spoil the incredible story, he has found a remarkable friend in a Newfoundla­nd called Storm. It has literally changed his life. I was blown away by what this stunning dog has managed to do for him. I hope that people are inspired by what they see.”

The success of last year’s show has made it clear that we are indeed a nation of dog lovers – but why is that? Dog owners themselves,

Ben and Sara weigh in on why they think us Brits love our canine chums so dearly.

“They’re simply reassuring, unquestion­ing, they give us unwavering loyalty,” offers Ben. And they always forgive us. In an increasing­ly complicate­d world, dogs are refreshing­ly straightfo­rward.”

“Dogs bring so much joy to people’s lives,” agrees Sara. “They’re great company, always happy to see you, they get you out of the house and, unlike children, they don’t mind if you’re always grabbing them for a cuddle! They also don’t answer back or turn up their noses at the food you serve!”

And while Ben and Sara agree that Labs are the breed to beat this year, they’re hoping to see a respectabl­e showing from their favourites when the ranking is unveiled this Tuesday.

“I really like English Setters, as well as Pointers,” shares


Sara. “I think, when I win the Euromillio­ns, I’ll buy a farm and have lots of dogs! But in the meantime I’ll say Maltese, because I have two of them.”

“Well, I’m obviously biased towards Labradors,” admits Ben. “I’ve had three, and I love them so much I wrote a whole book about them! But if I’m honest,

I’m a sucker for anything dog…”

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