Inside Soap




You might recognise one of the faces in the rogue’s gallery of suspects this week on Frankie Drake Mysteries – yep, that’s Alan Davies playing Jonny Cork, the emcee of a dance marathon from which a young man is kidnapped – prompting Frankie and Trudy to investigat­e. Inside TV spoke to Alan to find out just how suspicious we should be of his character…

Hi, Alan! What can you tell us about Jonny Cork?

He’s the owner of a jazz club, and the girls go there for a night out. Unsurprisi­ngly, a mystery presents itself, and my character becomes one of the suspects! He’s running a successful club, but at the same time he’s got some money difficulti­es, and that’s why Frankie is quite suspicious of him…

Your character isn’t very co-operative with Frankie’s investigat­ion – did you like playing someone difficult?

It was really fun. I don’t get to do a lot of period things, apart from a Marple I did about 10 years ago. I did wonder as I was reading the script whether I was going to turn out to be the absolute villain of the piece, and I won’t tell you what happens, but I did enjoy being the bad guy for a change, because I’m always playing a good guy!

Tell us what you thought about your costume…

It was a very white jacket, and from the moment they put it on me I was mortified – it’d be so like me to lean on a brick wall and get covered in dust, or have cheese and pickle down the front. I haven’t worn anything white for years, partly because I’ve got three small children! But it was a spectacula­r outfit.

How long were you in Toronto for filming? Did you get to explore much?

I was only there for four days! But I was on set a lot for two days, and they did all of my scenes in that time. So I got to explore Toronto a little bit – well, I managed to go around and buy things for the kids, that’s mainly what I did!

 ??  ?? Jonny be good: Does the MC turn out to be the bad guy? ALAN DAVIES GUEST-STARS AS A CASH-STRAPPED EMCEE…
Jonny be good: Does the MC turn out to be the bad guy? ALAN DAVIES GUEST-STARS AS A CASH-STRAPPED EMCEE…
 ??  ?? Dancing queen: Frankie joins in the dance marathon
Dancing queen: Frankie joins in the dance marathon

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