Inside Soap

Seb’s adoption plans are derailed



Gary has his reasons, but Seb thought that they were friends…”

Seb hits rock bottom this week, as he waits to find out whether or not he’ll be permitted to adopt his brother and sister.

Convinced that he’ll stand no chance without regular income, Seb is appalled when struggling building boss Gary fires him after Seb loses his temper. But worse is to come for Seb once his mother Abi tells the court that she wants the twins to remain in foster care – leaving her poor son feeling utterly betrayed…

“Seb feels really let down by everyone,” sighs Harry Visinoni, who plays him. “When he’s in a bad situation, he makes things worse for himself, and his emotions come out through anger and frustratio­n. Adopting the twins is the only focus in his life at the moment, and he feels completely isolated.”

As the week begins, Seb has a black eye following his violent confrontat­ion with Adam, after assuming the local lawyer was hassling Sarah. Having actually spent a flirty evening with Adam, Sarah is wracked with guilt and suggests to Adam that he could make amends by representi­ng Seb for free at the adoption hearing.

“Seb has taken a liking to Sarah because she’s kind and he’s lonely,” shares Harry. “He sees the fact that she’s being nice to him as something else, and interprets it wrongly. She’s an older woman, and he has attachment issues as Abi hasn’t been a mother figure to him.

“Adam’s offer to represent him gives Seb a glimmer of hope, though,” adds the star. “It’s his motivation to keep going and get up the next day – and it encourages Seb to ignore the reality that adopting the twins isn’t really plausible.”

 ??  ?? Seb jumped in to protect Sarah, but ended up being punched by Adam
Seb jumped in to protect Sarah, but ended up being punched by Adam

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