Inside Soap

Rishi offers Dawn a job


- Kate White

Struggling Dawn is gifted a chance to get her life in order this week – but will she overcome her selfdestru­ctive tendencies?

Hope is handed to Dawn when Rishi offers her a job at the Sharma sweet factory, giving her the opportunit­y to earn her own living. Coupled with the support she’s receiving from Harriet, who’s put a roof over her head, Dawn finds herself in the best situation she’s been in for years – but her demons aren’t going anywhere, and they could derail Dawn’s best efforts to stay clean.

“Years of substance abuse can’t just be erased in a few weeks,” warns our Emmerdale insider. “It’s unrealisti­c to think Dawn won’t fall back into bad habits, even if she’s desperate to beat them. Such a lot of what she’s going through is psychologi­cal, particular­ly because she’s torn up about the son who was taken away from her. This is going to be a tough road to tread…”

Harriet understand­s and feels very guilty about what’s happened to Dawn. So when she witnesses her former stepdaught­er staring longingly at Laurel playing with baby Dotty, she knows she has to be proactive in giving Dawn something to work towards.

For Harriet, that means getting in touch with social services to start the process of reuniting Dawn with her little boy. She feels that only once Dawn has repaired that relationsh­ip can she be happy. So when Dawn hears about Harriet’s actions, she loses it!

“Dawn downs a whole load of vodka and gets herself in a total state,” shares our source. “This time, Harriet forgets the gently-gently approach and gives Dawn a dose of tough love. It’s not pretty, but Dawn knows Harriet is right and she vows to go cold turkey. It’s an extreme solution, though, and could end up in disaster.”

Unfortunat­ely for Dawn, the person tasked with looking out for her at the factory is Kerry, who is fighting her own fires this week (see p32). Given Kerry’s history with drink, she may be the last person Dawn needs right

Dawn knows Harriet is right – and she vows to go cold turkey…”

now – especially as she’s in a foul mood, and taking it out on everyone around her.

Can Dawn fight temptation and stay on track – or will working closely with troubled Kerry make it even harder to turn her life around?

 ??  ?? Is Dawn heading for a sweet life having landed a role at the factory?
Is Dawn heading for a sweet life having landed a role at the factory?
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The job represents a chance for Dawn to get on the straight and narrow
The job represents a chance for Dawn to get on the straight and narrow

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