Inside Soap

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The ailing favourite’s fate is still to be decided by Corrie bosses…


It was touch-and-go for poor Sinead when she was forced to deliver her son Bertie early, after learning that her cervical cancer had spread. Both mother and baby made it through the delivery – but while the premature tot still requires surgery,

Coronation Street star Katie Mcglynn admits that her alter ego isn’t out of the woods. And Sinead’s illness might yet result in her making a tragic exit from the cobbles…

“I’m contracted well into this year, but the story is still up in the air,” says Katie, when asked about Sinead’s chances of survival. “With the nature of the storyline, I guess it’s 50/50.”

Adding to the uncertaint­y of Sinead’s future, Weatherfie­ld boss Iain Macleod recently confessed to Inside Soap that he hasn’t yet decided whether Sinead will live or die – meaning that even more heartbreak could well be on the horizon for her and her husband Daniel.

“It’s a really long-running story, and we genuinely haven’t decided what we are doing with the ending,” he explains.

“Certainly the longer it goes on, the harder it becomes to kill

Sinead, because

Katie Mcglynn and Rob Mallard [who plays Daniel] have been so good – they’re almost acting their way off the butcher’s block.

“I have an open mind about it,” continues Iain, who took the helm at Corrie last year. “There is a beautiful story to tell with an optimistic ending, but equally a very truthful story to tell where it doesn’t work out. As to which is the right one, I’ll get more of a sense at the next writers’ conference. If anyone is acting their way into a long-term tenure on the show, it’d be Katie and Rob.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Sinead and Daniel’s tragic story could go either way
Sinead and Daniel’s tragic story could go either way
 ??  ?? Rob and Katie have impressed
Rob and Katie have impressed

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