Inside Soap

Nicola Wheeler

“Nicola tries to throw Robert under the bus!”

- Allison Jones

Nicola is petrified! She knows that if Graham goes to the police, she’ll get sent down…”

Self-titled ‘dream team’ Nicola and Robert enter a nightmare this week, when Graham, the supposedly oblivious victim of their scamming these past few months, makes it very clear that he’s not so out of the loop after all! And as the reality of crossing such a dangerous man sinks in, Nicola is terrified of the consequenc­es…

“Nicola and Robert didn’t reckon on Graham sobering up quite as quickly as he did!” admits Nicola Wheeler, who plays Nicola. “The two of them have set up this fake developmen­t company in order to embezzle funds from Home Farm, with the aid of Graham’s signature. But it was entirely reliant on Graham being sozzled – and that’s the problem! They thought they’d be in and out before he’d sobered up.”

At the start of the week, Nicola is unaware of what Graham already knows, so she is puzzled when he asks to see plans for her and Robert’s new housing developmen­t. In a total panic, she breaks the

news to

Robert – with no idea that Graham and his cohort Megan are watching. And it’s at this point that Graham realises that Nicola has not been acting alone.

“Nicola goes into meltdown once she realises Graham knows – and she tries to throw Robert under the bus!” gasps Nicola. “It might have been Robert’s idea, but she’s the one who’s been taking the money out of the accounts and getting Graham to sign everything – so she always knew she’d be the one to get the blame. It wasn’t a longterm plan. They just wanted to grab a pile of money then run, yet Graham’s on to them before they get to that point.”

While Nicola is terrified that she’ll be the one to take the flack, however, once Graham realises Robert’s involvemen­t, he changes tack – deciding that there’s a much more profitable way to take revenge than publicly outing the criminal cohorts. Whatever he does next, though, Nicola knows that it’s not looking at all good for her.

“She’s petrified!” insists the actress. “She knows that if Graham goes to the police, she’ll get sent down, because obviously this is fraud – not to mention theft. So she knows that as much as Robert has had a hand in the whole thing,

she’s the one who’s done the deed. Robert might get fired, but Nicola would end up serving time in prison.

“I guess Nicola will plead her case, although Graham is hardly the most forgiving of men,” continues Nicola. “The only thing that might be in her favour is if Graham were to consider her to be a useful pawn in his game…”

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Will Nicola betray Robert to save her own neck?
Will Nicola betray Robert to save her own neck?
 ??  ?? Robert is also implicated – and Graham knows!
Robert is also implicated – and Graham knows!
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Is it time to put that champagne back on ice?
Is it time to put that champagne back on ice?

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