Inside Soap


Rob Kazinsky to return to Walford…


He’s topped every Inside Soap wish list of Walford returnees since his dramatic exit in 2008, and now our dreams have come true – Sean Slater is on his way back to Albert Square!

Eastenders bosses have confirmed that star Rob Kazinsky, who has had a successful Hollywood career since leaving the soap, will return as Stacey’s handsome and hot-headed older brother for a short stint this spring…

“This year marked 10 years since Sean fled from Walford after plunging into a frozen lake,” grins Rob. “Throughout my career, I’ve always felt that my best work was on Eastenders as Sean, that there was something in him that I understood completely, something traumatic, something that we never really got to show the viewers. I have unfinished business in Albert Square and am thrilled to return to what I still consider to be my home, however briefly. I’m back to tell a story that means something to me. It’s something I always wanted to do, to say thank you to Sean, and we’ve worked to do it in the most explosive way. You will be entertaine­d!”

Walford boss Kate Oates recently teased that a brief yet huge return would spark one of the show’s biggest storylines of 2019.

“I’m beyond delighted to see Rob back at the heart of the Slater family,” shares Kate. “He created an Eastenders icon in Sean and has had much input in his returning story. I can’t wait to see the impact of his arrival on the Square, among those who loved or loathed troubled Sean Slater.”

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