Inside Soap




Eastenders’ Stacey and Kat have been at each other’s throats for weeks over Phil’s stolen loot and the custody battle for Arthur. And it’s not just Martin and Kush who are sick of their bickering…

It breaks my heart to see Kat and Stacey at loggerhead­s over something as stupid as money – as they’ve said themselves, they’re like sisters, and they shouldn’t let a petty argument stand in the way of their friendship. Isn’t it about time they finally buried the hatchet?

| Emma, Luton

Martin and Kush are braver men than me, locking Kat and

Stacey in the potting shed like they did! I’m surprised the two women didn’t swing for them when they were finally let out. After the things that were said between them during their heart-to-heart, though, I fear that Stacey and Kat may never make up.

| Daniel

But our readers are divided over who’s actually to blame for this ongoing spat… If you ask me, Stacey’s being really pig-headed, refusing to forgive Kat over the money. She never should have taken it from her in the first place! And surely the best thing for Arthur would have been for everyone to sit down and have a calm and rational chat about custody arrangemen­ts?

| Lucy

Kat said some really terrible things about Stacey, and quite frankly, I don’t blame Stace for not being able to forgive her. Those are not the kind of things you say to your nearest and dearest – no matter how cross you are with them!

| Peta, London

With Lacey Turner heading off on maternity leave, will the pair ever reconcile?

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