Inside Soap

Robert tries to stop Vicky leaving


- Sarah Ellis

Robert confronts Vicky’s ex, Jed, this week – as he fights to be a dad to his unborn child!

Given that Robert’s been stringing along pregnant Vicky, and keeping her in the dark about his reconcilia­tion with Michelle, it’s no wonder she’s fed up of him not being there when she needs him.

But when Robert finds Vicky packing up her stuff, preparing to leave with Tyler’s dad Jed, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to stop her going…

“You can’t blame Vicky for being tempted by Jed,” muses our cobbles insider. “He’s offering to be there for both her and the baby, whereas Robert is hardly ever around. The chef claims that he desperatel­y wants to be a dad, but his actions suggest otherwise!”

Robert may think that he’s pulled the wool over Vicky’s eyes about his engagement to Michelle, but she’s not stupid. He keeps giving her lame excuses about where he’s been, and Vicky can tell he’s keeping something from her.

The sad thing is, after all the terrible blokes she’s had in her life, Vicky thought she’d struck gold with reliable Robert. However, it turns out he’s just as bad as the rest! Can Robert stop her from leaving?

“Robert wants to be a dad more than anything, and the thought of Vicky taking off with their baby terrifies him,” admits our mole. “But he’ll have to offer Vicky proper commitment if he wants to persuade her to stay. It’s crunch time!”

As things get heated, Vicky orders both Robert and Jed to leave, so she can decide once and for all what she’s going to do. So has Robert blown it?

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