Inside Soap

“Tony and I both ended up with beard rash!”


It’s no mean feat coming into a show like Eastenders to take over a character as infamous as Ben Mitchell – so all credit to Max Bowden, who has slipped seamlessly into the role since making his Walford debut in April. But now he’s gone and scooped himself a hat-trick of Inside Soap Award nomination­s – for Best Newcomer, Best Bad Boy and Best Shock Twist for Callum and Ben’s surprise passion! And he’s understand­ably chuffed…

Congratula­tions, Max! Three award nomination­s is a nice welcome to Eastenders, isn’t it?

Absolutely! I’m made up, to be honest. I think it’s a credit to the whole of

Eastenders – everyone works so hard.

Did you expect to make such an impact, so soon after arriving?

No. Obviously as an actor you want to make an impact, and as I was coming in to an already establishe­d character, I wanted to focus on getting that right. I’m glad it’s being received well.

Do the nomination­s feel like a bit of extra encouragem­ent?

I think it’s encouragin­g for Ben as much as for myself. There’s so much that Ben can give to the show. And it’s nice for him to be rewarded, because ultimately, he is what’s making this journey so fun.

Joining an establishe­d cast of actors must be a daunting prospect – is there any particular colleague at Eastenders who has taken you under their wing?

Well, Jamie Borthwick [Jay] has become my best mate, he’s amazing. But Steve Mcfadden [aka Phil] has also been brilliant – he is honestly an inspiratio­n to work with. And Danielle [Harold], who plays Lola, is great too.

As far as Ben’s on-screen family is concerned, you’re pretty lucky!

I love every single one of them, they’re brilliant! And I’m learning something new every day. It’s a blessing, it really is.

Do you think that Ben is badder now than he ever was in the past?

The thing about Ben is that he’s always had so much to prove, and has never quite been able to prove it. And I think this built-up frustratio­n and hatred of himself has led him to do these things, and commit to things that he wouldn’t necessaril­y believe in. But

Ben wants to win, and be at the top.

We’ve seen a softer side to Ben, though, with the ‘Ballum’ romance – how has the reaction been?

It’s been lovely. Me and Tony [Clay, who plays Callum] would like to thank everyone for their support.

What was it like filming the first scene, when Ben and Callum got together? It was pretty steamy…

Tony and I were in a park kissing for about two hours – it was a massive bonding experience! [Laughs] We both had beard rash by the end of it…

It made a huge impact, though…

What was beautiful was the common ground between them – these are two proud, masculine men who’ve come from a similar background. Ben can see something in Callum he once saw in himself, and I think their chemistry showed in that scene. It’s worked!

Who do you think the audience is rooting for – Ben and Callum, or Callum and Whitney?

Obviously I’d like to say Ballum! But I think the viewers are rooting for this storyline in general, and the whole trio of Callum, Whitney and Ben. Everyone is waiting to see how the story pans out, and find out what’s going to be best for the three of them in the long-run.

You’re obviously enjoying working so closely with Tony…

Yeah. Anybody at Eastenders will tell you what a gift that man is. He’s a wonderful person to have around. He’s positive all the time, and a phenomenal actor. So winning an award together would be the icing on the cake for us!

Do you have enough space if you end up winning all three awards?

[Laughs] Listen,

I’ve got all the room… We’ll have to see how we get on! I’m just grateful to be part of it all.

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