Inside Soap

Bernie exposes Kel!


- Sarah Ellis

Bernie reckons she has her former lover Kel bang to rights this week, after she sets a trap to expose him as a paedophile!

Having sent Kel a message online, claiming to be a 14-year-old boy who would like some DJ lessons, Bernie’s delighted when Kel agrees to meet. She reckons she can get the evidence she needs to prove that he’s been taking advantage of teenage boys – but will it really be as easy as Bernie thinks?

“There’s a reason police officers have to undergo rigorous training before joining the force!” tuts our Coronation

Street insider. “Apprehendi­ng criminals is a dangerous job, and Bernie should beware taking the law into her own hands. Who knows what Kel could be capable of?”

Bernie has no concerns about her own safety, though – all she wants is for her twisted ex to pay for the trauma he inflicted on her son Paul all those years ago. However, when she confides in Sean what she’s up to, he’s horrified that she’d be so reckless!

Sean urges Bernie to go to the police with what she knows. Although when she insists on continuing with her risky plan, he has no choice but to tell Paul what his mum is plotting. Paul agrees to go with her – but how will Kel react when he realises he’s been set up?

“Bernie’s broadcasti­ng the whole thing on her laptop, as she wants the world to know what a sick individual Kel is,” our sneak tells us. “However, as soon as Kel spots Bernie lurking with her phone, he realises it’s a trap – and makes a grab for the camera!”

While Paul, Billy and Gemma chase after Kel, it looks as if he’s getting away again. Does Bernie have enough proof to convict her ex? Or will her meddling do more harm than good?

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 ??  ?? Will Bernie be able to prove Kel’s guilt?
Will Bernie be able to prove Kel’s guilt?

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