Inside Soap

Mick asks Linda about New Year


- Laura-jayne Tyler

Spiralling booze addict Linda is forced to confront a sobering reality this week, as she finally remembers going to a hotel with a stranger on New Year’s Eve.

Eastenders viewers know that drunken Linda ended up going off with a man whom she met while off her face in The Prince Albert. Thankfully, though, she came to her senses once the pair were alone in a room together – and ran off after kneeing the bloke in the goolies when he tried it on with her.

However, Linda was so drunk that she doesn’t have any recollecti­on of where she was or whom she was with that evening. So, after Mick finds out about her hotel trip and confronts her, Linda is absolutely horrified…

“The possibilit­y that she has cheated on the love of her life devastates Linda – but to lose several hours of her life to alcohol and not remember a thing is also very frightenin­g,” explains our Albert Square source. “Will it be enough to convince her that she has a serious problem, though?”

Having learned about his wife’s hotel booking, Mick covers when Shirley questions him – unaware that his mother already knows. Mick is clearly too anxious to grill Linda, fearful of confirming what he already suspects, although Shirley insists that he finds out the truth for sure.

With that, Mick eventually confronts Linda and stuns her with a bold accusation. She is mortified when the hotel later confirms that she was indeed there with a man, leaving the

The possibilit­y that she has cheated on Mick devastates Linda…”

Carter marriage hanging by a thread – and Linda wracking her brains to try to remember what went on.

“Linda’s answer is clearly to hit the bottle again as, the following morning, she tries to hide another hangover from Mick,” shares our spy. “The pressure is on while Shirley watches her like a hawk, prompting Linda to escape for another drink.”

However, when Tina arrives with a letter informing the Vic’s proprietor­s of good news, Linda brazenly pops open a bottle of Champagne to celebrate. Mick can’t believe what he’s seeing, and the worry etched across his brow doesn’t go unnoticed by Shirley, who promises to keep a close eye on Linda.

Yet even with her loved ones watching her every move, Linda still struggles to stay off the sauce. The irony of the situation is that Mick finds himself saying sorry to her for confiding in Shirley and Tina about the hotel saga, which only goes so far with Linda as she threatens to have another drink when Daniel offers her a glass at work.

When the temptation proves too much, Linda plans to go out, while tensions continue to rise between her and Mick.

What will it take for her to realise that her marriage is in serious trouble? And how much longer will Mick put up with Linda’s drinking before he’s simply had enough?

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Tina delivers good news – and Linda can’t wait to celebrate with a drink
Tina delivers good news – and Linda can’t wait to celebrate with a drink
 ??  ?? Linda’s behaviour is putting serious strain on her marriage
Linda’s behaviour is putting serious strain on her marriage

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