Inside Soap

Louise breaks down to Lisa


- Tom Spilsbury

The pressure of thinking she was partly to blame for Keanu’s murder takes its toll on Louise this week, and she confesses all to her mum!

The teen has been keeping the terrible secret ever since Christmas, when she believes she helped to lure her cheating lover to his death. Sensing that Louise is on the verge of falling to pieces, Martin – who was tasked with the killing, but secretly let Keanu go – tells Ben that he needs to keep his sister in line. Ben gives Louise a stern warning, telling her that she must hold everything together for all their sakes. However, as Bex grows ever-more worried by her best friend’s behaviour, Louise starts to unravel…

“Bex bumps into Lisa, and the pair share their concerns over Louise’s wellbeing,” shares our Eastenders mole.

“After their talk, Lisa is even more determined to help her little girl, so pays her a visit.

But as Lisa cajoles her daughter into opening up, she’s not prepared for Louise’s shocking bombshell – Keanu is dead, and it’s all her fault!”

Thankfully, Lisa assumes Louise is talking nonsense, and is simply imagining the worst-case scenario, given Keanu’s disappeara­nce. So, having decided that Louise must be unwell, Lisa grabs little Peggy and calls a doctor. Unfortunat­ely, Ian and Sharon overhear her, and learn what Louise has been saying. Sharon reassures Lisa that she’s sure it’s all nonsense, but given that she knows what Phil is capable of, might she have doubts of her own?

“Lisa has no idea of the horrifying truth,” warns our source. “So she has no problem seeking help from

Phil. Little does she know that she could be making the delicate situation far worse!”

Once Lisa has left, Phil lets rip at Ben for entrusting Keanu’s murder to Martin. Ben defends himself, saying that it’s too late to worry about it now – but can he and Phil succeed in covering up their role in events?

“Phil decides that the best course of action is to tell Lisa everything, and make it clear that it’s vital she keeps her trap shut,” shares our spy. “Naturally enough, when Lisa hears what

Phil tells Lisa everything – then warns her to keep her trap shut…”

Phil has to say, she’s stunned, and explodes at him, disgusted he involved their daughter in such an evil scheme. Yet even she realises that she has to become a part of the cover-up.”

Elsewhere, trouble is brewing as the police visit the Taylors’. Although Karen plays down any concerns, the officers make Phil their next port of call. Do they possibly have news about Keanu’s current whereabout­s?

 ??  ?? Ben urges fragile Louise to pull herself together
Ben urges fragile Louise to pull herself together
 ??  ?? Phil isn’t impressed that Ben tasked Martin to kill Keanu
Phil isn’t impressed that Ben tasked Martin to kill Keanu
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Police quiz Phil – do they suspect him of being involved with Keanu’s disappeara­nce?
Police quiz Phil – do they suspect him of being involved with Keanu’s disappeara­nce?

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