Inside Soap

Martin battles a guilty conscience



This is probably the best stuff I’ve had since I’ve been on Eastenders, to be honest,” reckons James Bye, who plays Martin, as he reflects on his alter ego’s descent to the dark side. “I was a bit unsure about how we were going to get from Martin the fruit-and-veg guy to suddenly being this bad boy. But it’s been so nice for the audience to see him spiral out of control in front of them. And me and Max [Bowden, who plays Martin’s vengeful nemesis Ben] have had a ball!”

Martin was on the run with wife Stacey after she almost clubbed Phil to death, when his daughter Bex’s suicide attempt forced him out of hiding. It’s this unexpected return to Albert Square, and Ben’s subsequent blackmail over Phil’s attack, that has plunged Martin into the murky depths of criminalit­y. But the lowest ebb came over Christmas, when Martin was ordered to kill Keanu – leading him into a tangled web of deceit from which he may never escape…

“I don’t think anyone will be happy with the choices Martin has made!” quips James. “Of course he’ll regret getting involved with the Mitchells – but he’s been put in a position that he had no control of, while his focus has been on

Bex. The rest of his family are gone, so he’ll do anything to protect her.”

There’s also the matter of the man – named George – who Martin mowed down just before Christmas while speeding away from another job with Tubbs. Martin is relieved when George comes round from his coma this week, and nurse Sonia pledges to suss out what he remembers. But while we wait to learn if this particular chapter of Martin’s ongoing nightmare is over, James hopes the drama continues…

“I’ll be eternally grateful for these stories,” beams the star, who has three young sons – Edward, Louis and Hugo – with his wife Victoria. “It’s been a collaborat­ive process with the writers and producers. I’ve never had the chance to be open with ideas before, but [executive producer] Jon Sen and [head of continuing drama] Kate Oates have been amazing.”

Back in Walford, meanwhile, as Martin battles to keep his conscience in check, he’s also having to juggle his secret fling with ex-wife Sonia, with whom he’s become

 ??  ?? Son again, off again: Martin is back with his former wife
Son again, off again: Martin is back with his former wife
 ??  ?? Plight nurse: Sonia is using her position to talk to Martin’s hit-and-run victim George
Plight nurse: Sonia is using her position to talk to Martin’s hit-and-run victim George

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