Inside Soap

Rhona & Graham plan to flee


- Allison Jones

When determined Rhona gives Graham an ultimatum this week, insisting they must get out of the village within days, she’s oblivious to the predicamen­t he’s currently in. The consequenc­es of his actions mean Graham is desperate to escape the Dales alive – and Rhona has no idea of just how much trouble he’s in, or that it means he’s now most likely to be leaving the village in a box!

But as Rhona lets slip to Marlon that she’s leaving, we chat to star Zoe Henry, who plays her, to discuss the mounting pressure her character is under…

Hi Zoe! Rhona can’t wait to quit the village – why is she so eager get away?

She’s very aware that Kim has her watchful eye on her and Graham, and they feel they’ll never be happy with her around the corner. Kim won’t leave them alone and it’s driving Rhona nuts. But it’s also her son Leo’s dad Marlon, and Jamie and the vets’ situation – because she doesn’t have a job there any more. It all just boils over and she feels as if she’s done.

But she must be aware that by moving away with her son Leo she will break his father Marlon’s heart…

Yeah, but I think she’s been a bit blindsided by how much she hates Kim, and how things have gone sour at the vets’. She’s really uncomforta­ble with the whole situation and she just wants to get away, so she’s not thinking of the parental stuff around Leo.

Things are particular­ly awful between her and Marlon this week, when she can’t find Leo’s passport and blames Marlon…

Oh, it’s an ill-judged moment for Rhona – but she just sees red. She goes marching over to the pub and confronts him

without thinking it through. It’s not her finest moment, but she’s so enraged because she thinks that he’s trying to stop her from going, and actually lets it out of the bag that she’s leaving. It’s a terrible moment and they’re both really awful to each other!

Does the row mean that their relationsh­ip is permanentl­y damaged?

This is the second time that Rhona’s tried to leave with Leo. And, as a parent myself, I think it’s appalling and unforgivab­le, really. But again, there’s a lot going on in her head, and that’s clouding her judgement. I hope Rhona and Marlon can get back on track as they share a child, but it’s not looking hopeful at the moment…

Her romance with Graham has been a real whirlwind – is she in love with him?

Yes, she is. It happened a bit quickly, but they both have an understand­ing and there’s a spark between them. Rhona has been unlucky in love and things have never been brilliant for her. So she’s pinning all her hopes on this one!

Of course, Rhona doesn’t know that Graham’s not much longer for this world – but are you enjoying playing out the drama?

It’s been good – although the stories are really interwoven, so at points it’s been quite confusing! We’ve had to work really hard to stay on track with knowing our own journeys through it. It’s been a lot of work for everybody involved. But I always enjoy a challenge, so it’s been great!

“Rhona loves Graham and is pinning all her hopes on him!”

 ??  ?? Rhona reveals she plans to leave the village with Leo
Marlon’s furious that
Rhona is moving away with his son and blames Graham
Rhona reveals she plans to leave the village with Leo Marlon’s furious that Rhona is moving away with his son and blames Graham
 ??  ?? Smitten Rhona dreams of a new life with Graham away from the village
Smitten Rhona dreams of a new life with Graham away from the village

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