Inside Soap

Sharon is back in Walford!


- Kate White

Sharon makes a shock return to Walford this week, and while she wants Phil and the

Vic back in her life, does she want baby Kayden too?

The grieving mother fled Albert Square to take refuge with best friend Michelle in Australia, so Phil’s left stunned when she arrives back unannounce­d. While overseas, Sharon’s been thinking about what it is she wants, and it seems her vision for the future includes both estranged husband Phil and the Queen Vic. Yet the big question is, has Sharon changed her mind about handing over son Kayden to the Taylors?

“Giving up her newborn baby is the most shocking thing Sharon has ever done,” whispers our Eastenders insider. “Kayden is innocent in this whole sorry mess – however, Sharon’s grief was so intense that she couldn’t cope with him too. Yet now she’s back and talking about reconcilin­g with her husband and taking back control of the Vic, Sharon’s looking towards the future. But how would

Phil feel if that future included the love child fathered by Sharon’s lover Keanu?”

Although she’s returned with purpose, Sharon struggles. Thankfully, she has Linda to lean on, and during an emotional heart-to-heart, Sharon tells her pal that she wants to give things another go with Phil. With Linda and Phil having forged a tentative friendship – as he mentors her through alcoholism

– Linda has softened towards him and tells Sharon that she’s happy for her. She also gives Phil and Sharon her blessing to

buy the boozer, and they toast the new owners of the Vic.

Yet Sharon’s good mood crumbles when Karen walks into the pub. Suddenly, she’s faced by her conflicted feelings about Kayden, and admits to Linda that she is starting to doubt whether she did the right thing in giving him up. The next day, when Sharon drops off some baby things with the Taylors, Karen asks her to watch Kayden for a minute, seeing Sharon’s confusion deepen.

“When she spends time with her little boy, Sharon’s maternal feelings emerge and it’s overwhelmi­ng for her,” reveals our spy. “Before now, Sharon had shut her heart to Kayden, but she’s starting to realise she may have made a big mistake. Karen keeps insisting that it’s not too late to change her mind – however, would Phil want to bring up Keanu’s son?”

Later that day, as she and Phil discuss their future, Sharon fails to mention her misgivings. But with her baby boy living just across the Square, will the issue about Kayden derail their plans?

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Sharon and Phil look to the future – but he’s unaware of how she feels about Kayden
Sharon and Phil look to the future – but he’s unaware of how she feels about Kayden
 ??  ?? Linda tells Sharon to go for it with Phil – and the Vic
Linda tells Sharon to go for it with Phil – and the Vic

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