Inside Soap




Springwatc­h returns this week, and the team has had to devise a new way to broadcast its three-week run. Chris Packham, Gillian Burke and Iolo Williams told us what we can expect…

So, Springwatc­h is going to be pretty different this year!

Gillian Yes, normally we’d be in a single location where a crew of 100 people would show up! There was some filming before lockdown, where we got some lovely VTS, but we’re making the most of the show’s family being spread across the UK. Chris will be at his home in the New Forest, Iolo will be in Mid Wales, and I’ll be in Cornwall. There’ll be guests presenters, too [Steve Backshall, Ellie Harrison, Gordon Buchanan and Megan Mccubbin].

Chris Obviously the technical challenges are going to be quite different, but I think we’ll learn a lot from having to have a major rethink this series.

Will you involve Michaela, what with her still being in lockdown in South Africa?

Gillian Yes, she’s going to be highlighti­ng some of her favourite moments from the show, so she’ll have a presence, but obviously it’ll be limited. We’re really going to miss her! Iolo I don’t think people realise how important a part of the team Michaela is. She’s so enthusiast­ic, and brings all of her 30-year experience as well.

What are you noticing in this very different spring?

Chris Well, it’s quieter. And not just in rural areas – we’ve seen images where wildlife is being bolder in urban areas because there’s less human disturbanc­e. Gillian I’m enjoying watching the herring gulls. They made

a good living off our food, but there are no kebabs being dropped at the moment! They are resourcefu­l birds, though.

Will it be nice to show off your own gardens?

Gillian [Laughs] I’ve only got a little space with a few pots! Iolo I’m hoping I can wander a bit further to show people what Mid Wales is all about…

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 ??  ?? The chips are down: Gulls are missing out on leftovers
The chips are down: Gulls are missing out on leftovers
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