Inside Soap



- Allison Jones

As Netflix launches its brandnew space series, here’s your countdown to lift off…

So, who’s the guy in the snazzy-looking uniform?

He’s four-star general Mark R Naird, a decorated pilot tasked with leading a newly formed sixth branch of the United States military: the Space Force!

That sounds like a very prestigiou­s new job – he must be thrilled?

Well, no… Naird must drag his family to a remote base in Colorado to head up a ragtag team of scientists and ‘Spacemen’, ordered by the White House to get America back on the moon. Frankly, the only thing skyrocketi­ng is his blood pressure.

Wasn’t he in The Office?

Yes, he’s played by Steve Carrell, best known as eccentric boss Michael Scott in the US version of the sitcom. Steve has co-created Space Force with writing partner Greg Daniels – with whom he worked on The Office.

They sound like a top comedic team…

Indeed. And they’re joined by quite the glittering line-up. There’s Phoebe from Friends – aka Lisa Kudrow – who plays Naird’s wife Maggie; movie star John Malkovich is eccentric scientist Dr Adrian Mallory; Glee favourite Jane Lynch is Chief of Naval Operations, and comedy titan Fred Willard is Mark’s father Fred, who just happens to be Secretary of Defence.

And how will Naird and his team get the job done?

Erm, not very well. They’re a laughing stock at the Pentagon, and perhaps with good reason. The problem is, things will keep blowing up!

Will I learn about space?

Probably not. As the series’ tagline admits: ‘Space is… hard’. But you might learn the words to The Beach Boys’ song Kokomo, which Naird often finds helpful in bringing his blood pressure down to a less lifethreat­ening level…

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