Inside Soap

All dressed up... ...and nowhere to go!

Lorraine Stanley discusses love and life in lockdown for Karen – and why she can’t wait to have a night on the town…

- Laura-jayne Tyler

Oh, I do love a party!” giggles Eastenders’ Lorraine Stanley (aka Karen), as she joins us on the phone for a catch-up. “When life returns to normal, I’m going out to a nice restaurant, then maybe on to a cocktail bar – and then to a rave!”

From the times she has joined us at our Awards parties, Inside Soap can testify that lovely Lou is great fun on a night out. She is still chuffed to bits that you voted her as your Funniest Female at last year’s ceremony, and has since shown that she can play drama just as beautifull­y as she does comedy.

From Keegan’s troubles to Keanu’s affair scandal with Sharon – and now Karen playing mum to their love child – Lorraine is the busiest she’s ever been.

So, she’s making the most of her time at home…

Hello, Lorraine! How is life where you are?

It’s all right! The weather has been lovely, and we’ve been out in the garden. Last night I was begging my fella to get me some chocolate. I’ll go on a diet when this is all over!

We’re with you on that! Can you imagine how the Taylors would fare in lockdown together?

Oh, my word – it would be absolute chaos! Karen would be stockpilin­g, wouldn’t she? Let’s face it, she would be the first one nabbing all the toilet roll!

But as a family, I reckon that they would just get on with it and have fun. They would be playing Twister in the lounge, and Karen would have a different fancy-dress outfit on every day – just to keep them all entertaine­d!

Have you been tempted to dress up at home at all, just for the sheer fun of it?

No, I’m speaking to you and I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet. I’ve been in my pyjamas and can’t remember the last time I wore make-up. I don’t care – I’m literally Karen Taylor right now! When I put Joe Wicks’ PE lesson on, me and my daughter Nancy start doing it, then I give up and she gets her teddy to take my place instead!

You certainly have your hands full on screen now that Karen is looking after her grandson Kayden on a fulltime basis. How is she coping?

Well, as far as Karen’s concerned, unless she steps up, that baby is going into care. It’s a no-brainer for her, and Karen hasn’t thought twice about taking him in. She’s just cracking on with it as though Kayden is another one of her children.

Does she still fully intend on moving away from the Square?

Karen wants to be close to the other Taylors, and obviously she is worried about leaving Keegan, who is not in a great position at the moment [see p18]. However, leaving is the only way that Sharon will be able to deal with giving Kayden away. Karen is very selfless like that – even if it means leaving her own kids behind. But she’s only planning on going to Croydon, so it’s not as though Karen will never see them.

This week, Sharon returns to the Square and questions her decision to give up Kayden. How do you think Karen would feel if she asks for him back?

I think Karen has got so attached to Kayden that she’ll be devastated. Obviously she wants what is best for him, but she’ll be silently gutted.

What has it been like working with the newborns who play Kayden?

I just love the smell of babies, and

I’d forgotten how much I love pushing the buggy along. I haven’t had to do it as a mum myself for a few years, so I quite enjoyed the little swagger I had with the pram, wiggling my bum around the Square!

Speaking of swagger, Karen has both Billy and Mitch fighting for her attention right now!

I never thought Karen would have two fellas chasing her! There are some really funny scenes coming up between myself, Perry [Fenwick, who plays

Billy] and Roger [Griffiths, aka Mitch]. Mitch is jealous, and Billy reckons that Mitch is trying to wind him up!

Who should Karen be with?

I think the love of her life is Mitch, while Honey and Billy belong together. That said, I think Karen has been surprised by how much she likes Billy.

You’ve mentioned Billy’s name before when we’ve asked you

about potential love interests for Karen. It was clearly meant to be! It didn’t surprise me. Before I was on Eastenders, I would imagine who

I’d be paired up with if I was ever in the show, and always thought Billy. He and Karen are both hard-done-by characters with hearts of gold, so I’d have put them together. Maybe the bosses overhead me discussing it and thought, ‘Ooh, now that’s an idea!’

What’s the best thing about working with Perry?

I was star-struck when I first met him! I’ve got over that now, but I did a scene with him ages ago, when I first came into the show, and I couldn’t get my words out. There are some characters who I still look at and go, “Oh, my God, you’re Billy!” or, “You’re Phil!”

What do you make of Billy and Karen’s saucy sex life?

Oh, they are just bonking everywhere, aren’t they? If there is a skip on set Perry and I will say, “Yep, Karen and Billy will be in there soon, having it off!” They’re missing a trick really, because the Taylors have a double bath in their flat, and I’d love to do a scene in that bath. Karen would have a beer in one hand! It’d be an absolute scream!

“Karen loves Mitch – but she’s been surprised by how much she likes Billy”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Home sweet home: But Karen is considerin­g moving away
Back for her baby?: Sharon is having doubts about giving up Kayden
Home sweet home: But Karen is considerin­g moving away Back for her baby?: Sharon is having doubts about giving up Kayden
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Bill, please!: Karen can’t get enough of her Mitchell lover
Bill, please!: Karen can’t get enough of her Mitchell lover

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