Inside Soap




Poor Gabby in Emmerdale has faced a plethora of problems with her unexpected pregnancy. And now it seems Kim and Laurel are poised for a fight over her unborn child…

Laurel is making her family situation in Emmerdale even more complicate­d. It’s a huge thing to suggest to a young woman who isn’t actually your daughter that you will raise their child as your own. And to make matters worse, she hasn’t even spoken to Jai!

| Anna, Filton

I really feel for Gabby. An unexpected pregnancy can be scary for any woman,

and Gabby is so young. Plus, she doesn’t really have anyone to turn to, with her mum being abroad and the father of her child not exactly being supportive.

| Talia, Essex

What kind of man manipulate­s a young girl into terminatin­g her pregnancy? Jamie Tate, obviously! The way he treats women is just awful – I’m not sure what

Gabby saw in him in the first place. Dawn needs to get out now before he starts ruining her life as well.

| Stuart

However, a few of our readers were surprised by one characters’ attitude…

The only person not behaving terribly in this whole storyline is Kim! It’s really surprised me how she’s acting towards Gabby so far – in a good way! With Jamie not wanting anything to do with the baby, it’s fallen to Kim to look out for Gabby, and I think she’s been doing a good job so far. I just wonder whether Kim has an ulterior motive for being so helpful!

| Nina, Sheffield

It is strange to see Kim being so understand­ing…

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