Inside Soap

Summer takes drastic action…


- Alice Penwill

Sienna remains suspicious of Summer this week, and is rightly convinced that she was the one who shot her – yet Summer outwits Sienna at every turn. Realising the truth could be out sooner than she’d like, Summer acts quickly, and sets up Warren for her crime instead!

“At first, Sienna doesn’t believe that it could be Warren,” says Anna Passey, aka Sienna. “But then she finds some things that suggest Warren may have been involved, and Summer convinces Sienna that Brody was the intended target. So it starts to become a possibilit­y that Warren was involved…”

In her attempts to keep Sienna on side, Summer also goes on a befriendin­g mission – but Sienna is a hard nut to crack, and her efforts backfire.

“Sienna doesn’t take kindly to Summer trying to be her mate,” laughs Anna. “However, they get trapped in Sienna’s flat for a bit, and Sienna realises she and Summer do have more in common than she thought. But Summer shows a glimpse of her true colours to Sienna, and that really makes Sienna want to tell everyone what Summer is actually like.”

Seeing her chance, Sienna grabs a microphone in the village, and makes a speech to anyone who’ll listen.

“Sienna goes too far,” sighs Anna. “She looks like a jealous ex trying to get Brody back. People think she’s acting up, and Sienna has form for that, so you can understand why!”

With her master plan not working, Sienna is at a loss, and even seems to befriend Summer. However, Sienna remains determined…

“Sienna’s stalking Summer’s history, finding out about her life before she arrived,” Anna tells us. “She’ll stop at nothing in order to prove to Brody that she’s right…”

Sienna will stop at nothing to prove to Brody she’s right…”

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