Inside Soap

Sean hoodwinks Daisy…



Daisy rescues Sean from Double Glammy disaster this week – however, her involvemen­t in the pyramid scheme rankles Eileen.

It’s been nothing but a headache so far for struggling Sean, who hasn’t been able to flog the multitude of make-up he bought from the company. Having tried and failed to get out of it, Sean’s now facing a new nightmare when Rhydian gives him the latest sales targets, and insists he’ll be rich beyond his wildest dreams if he succeeds. Deep down, Sean knows it’s nonsense, but there’s a sliver of hope once Daisy jumps onboard.

“Daisy’s attitude is, ‘How hard can it be?’” scoffs our Corrie insider. “Nevermind that Sean’s been barely able to shift so much as a lipstick. She muscles in to help Sean do a sales seminar for a cut of his profits. Given that his profit is currently zilch, Sean thinks that he has nothing to lose.”

Like all shady pyramid schemes, the real money is in recruiting others to push the products for you. It’s a method Rhydian has got down to a fine art, without any bother to his morals. Thanks to Daisy’s help, Sean’s seminar goes pretty well, and afterwards, he has an unexpected encounter with Rhydian. Handing him the brochure to some flash apartments, Rhydian tells Sean to call and tell the agent that he knows him, hinting that he’ll soon be able to move in with Dylan thanks to his fat commission. But when Eileen hears that Sean’s recruited Daisy into the Double Glammy scheme, she’s furious.

“Sean knows full well that this is a rip-off, and yet he’s gone ahead and got Daisy involved anyway,” fumes our sneak. “Eileen is disgusted, and suggests that he finds somewhere else to live. It’s cruel and mercenary to sign

Sean knows that this is a rip-off – but he’s got Daisy involved anyway!”

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 ??  ?? Rhydian is happy to see Daisy join the Double Glammy ranks
Rhydian is happy to see Daisy join the Double Glammy ranks

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