Inside Soap

The Carters return to the Vic


- Sarah Ellis

Mick and Linda are finally back in their rightful place this week – behind the bar of the Queen Victoria Public House! Yet their homecoming is upstaged by more drama, as Mick receives some news about Katy’s arrest…

The Carters were forced to sell their beloved boozer in the wake of Linda’s alcohol addiction, after Mick realised that being around the demon drink 24/7 wasn’t helping his missus in her recovery. But the couple have been to hell and back since leaving the pub, and now both of them believe that the Queen Vic is where they truly belong…

“Mick and Linda were born to run a pub!” declares our Walford insider. “They’re both at their best when they’re pulling pints and serving their public, and they’ve both struggled to find purpose in their lives since leaving the Vic. Both Mick and Linda are hopeful that their fortunes will start to change now they’re back in their old home.”

And the couple could certainly do with some good luck right now. The past year has seen them almost divorce over Linda’s drink problem, almost die in a boat crash, and then almost split up again after Mick pushed Linda away in the wake of his childhood trauma with Katy – propelling Linda into the arms of Square Lothario Max Branning! Yet against the odds, the Carters have come through it stronger than ever – and are ready to start afresh together.

However, while the pair celebrate their return to the Vic, Stuart and Rainie can’t help but be suspicious about how everything seems to have handily fallen into place for Mick and Linda – and start doing some digging…


Meanwhile, Mick is left reeling when DI Pine arrives at the pub and tells him that they have arrested Katy, and will need to appeal for more survivors of her abuse to strengthen their case. The news is bitterswee­t for the landlord. On the one hand, he’s relieved that the woman who inflicted so much pain on him will finally face justice for her crimes. But on the other, he’s aware that the truth about his childhood trauma could soon be public knowledge.

“The last thing Mick wants is for everyone on the Square to be talking about him,” points out our source. “Reliving his ordeal in front of the police was bad enough, but once all of his friends and neighbours know what he went through, there will be no getting away from those awful memories.”

It doesn’t take Stuart long to get wind of the rumours about Katy’s arrest, and soon he has pieced together the facts and worked out exactly what happened to Mick! Stuart is clearly horrified to realise what his best mate experience­d right under his nose, and vows to do something about it…


The last thing Mick wants is for everyone to talk about him…”

So when Frankie arrives at the Vic, furious that the whole world is about to learn the truth about her mum, Stuart listens on in shock. Later, he

goes to his brother Callum and asks for Frankie’s number, as he needs to get hold of her pronto – however, what exactly is he planning to do?

“Stuart contacts Frankie and asks her to meet him at the car lot,” reveals our mole. “She has no idea what he wants from her, yet goes along to meet him anyway. But Mick is shocked to later get a message from Stuart telling him that he’s with Frankie – and when Mick rushes round there, he’s stunned to find Stuart threatenin­g her!”


Mick’s already in a state, having seen news of Katy’s arrest splashed across the front page of the local paper, and realised that it’s only a matter of time before people work out that he’s the abuse victim in the story. So how will he react when he then finds his oldest mate – who’s pretty volatile at the best of times – attempting to intimidate his daughter?

“Mick has no idea what Stuart is playing at,” sighs our sneak. “All he can see is that his daughter is in danger, and at that point he’ll do anything in his power to protect her. All thoughts of his own trauma are pushed to one side as he steps in to make sure his girl is safe, and that Stuart backs the hell off!”

Whatever happens next, it’s clear that the Carters’ return to the Vic has not been the cause for celebratio­n that they hoped it would be. Given that their previous seven years in charge of the Walford boozer weren’t exactly smooth sailing, though, it’s no surprise that their return to their old stomping ground has brought some huge drama along with it, too!

Whatever the future holds for Mick and Linda, history has taught us that the best way for them to make it through is if they stick together. So will they stand united in the face of this fresh challenge? Or will they be torn apart once again?

 ??  ?? There’s plenty of cheer over Mick and Linda’s Vic return
There’s plenty of cheer over Mick and Linda’s Vic return
 ??  ?? The winning double act are back where they belong
The winning double act are back where they belong
 ??  ?? Mick can’t stand the idea of being talked about by the locals
Katy’s arrest will mean Mick reliving his terrible abuse
Mick can’t stand the idea of being talked about by the locals Katy’s arrest will mean Mick reliving his terrible abuse
 ??  ?? Furious Stuart gets Frankie to meet him – but is she in danger as he seeks to get revenge for Mick?
Furious Stuart gets Frankie to meet him – but is she in danger as he seeks to get revenge for Mick?

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