Inside Soap

Liv uncovers Vinny’s abuse hell?


- Alice Penwill

I’m actually quite emotional to have reached five years on Emmerdale, and I don’t usually get like this, but I just love my job so much,” explains Isobel Steele, as we catch up with her just after the milestone. “I’ve changed so much since I started,

I feel like a completely different person. It’s the same for Liv – there’s a big difference between Liv then and now. The show has done a great job of portraying that gradual change from an immature 15-year-old to a mature, witty, funny, intelligen­t 20-year-old.”

Isobel might be celebratin­g, but Liv is going through a very difficult time currently. Her boyfriend Vinny decides to break up with Liv this week, realising he has to protect her following his attack by Paul. Yet instead of giving up, devastated Liv grows more determined to get to the bottom of what’s really going on…

First of all, what does Vinny tell Liv about Paul’s attack on him? Vinny just palms it off as something random, like before, saying that someone’s tried to take his wallet. But Vinny’s trying to find anything he can to make up a story for Liv, to throw her off the scent of what’s happening.

Does Liv have any suspicions that Paul’s behind it? Liv is good at spotting when someone’s acting shifty, but I don’t think she’s always brilliant at knowing where the pieces fit in the puzzle. So she feels that something’s off with the relationsh­ip and the way that Paul’s acting, and rightly so. But I don’t think she has put it together yet, because it’s a huge accusation to make without evidence.

How does Liv react when Vinny breaks up with her? Liv pushes for an answer on what’s happened to Vinny in the hospital, and Paul starts to think that she’s too close. So Paul tells Vinny to dump Liv and get her off their backs – Vinny breaks it off with her, and she’s devastated. However, instead of wallowing in the heartbreak, Liv is pushed to figure out what’s actually going on with Vinny…

Do you think Liv could be in danger on her hunt for the truth? Absolutely – I don’t think Liv knows what’s coming! Vinny fears for Liv as he loves her and wants to protect her, but it’s difficult for him to communicat­e that without telling her what’s going on. So Vinny’s on edge, and I think he knows that Paul doesn’t have any limits when it comes to staying with Mandy.

Are you hoping the audience will be cheering Liv on as she continues to do her sleuthing? I think they’ll be nervous for her, and this story hasn’t even reached its peak yet! I can’t say much more, but I reckon viewers will be worried going forward. While everyone wants Liv to get to the bottom of things, I think the audience will fear for her life…

Are you hopeful Vinny and Liv will get back together at some point? I’d like to see them back together – they’re a great couple. But the aftermath of this whole storyline will play such a big part in whether or not they reunite, and it will cause conflict. Emmerdale fans seem to love them together, and I think there’s something very sweet about their relationsh­ip. Plus, it helps when you like the actor who plays your boyfriend on screen, and I love working with Bradley [Johnson]. We get on really well as friends outside of work as well, and that definitely helps the chemistry.

 ??  ?? LIv on the edge: Is she putting herself in danger by hunting for the truth?
LIv on the edge: Is she putting herself in danger by hunting for the truth?
 ??  ?? Wearing Vin: The lad is being pushed to the edge by his dad
Paul the other one: Liv isn’t buying it as Vinny tells her they’re over
Wearing Vin: The lad is being pushed to the edge by his dad Paul the other one: Liv isn’t buying it as Vinny tells her they’re over

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