Inside Soap

Bailey’s money troubles…


- Alice Penwill

Bailey tells her family that she’s won the science competitio­n this week, and they come up with a plan to get some money together…

After Bailey’s revelation, the Taylors realise they need to somehow nd the funds to make sure she gets her place in science camp. And later, Bernie spots a girl handing out missing-dog yers, which mention a nancial reward – so with Bailey’s encouragem­ent, Bernie introduces herself.

“Bernie’s ustered when she meets Molly,” reveals our Square spy. “However, to make matters even more awkward, Bernie sees that the missing dog on the yer is Banjo – and Molly is the owner! But while Bernie is lost for words, the situation also presents an opportunit­y for the Taylors to get some money.”

When Bailey sees the yer, she tells her family that Banjo must be returned. So Bernie goes with Bailey to meet Molly, and attempts to get the reward money so that Bailey can go to camp. Will Bernie convince Molly to hand over the dosh in exchange for the dog?

Later, the Taylors’ day hits a more sombre note, as they all meet at Walford East in order to celebrate what would have been Chantelle’s birthday. But while Mitch, Karen, Bailey and Bernie wait for Gray, he’s busy downing whiskey at the Vic! Gray texts Karen telling her that he’s held up at work, but in fact heads to the club – and once the Taylors realise Gray isn’t coming, they start sharing their memories of Chantelle.

Karen’s mind is elsewhere, however, as she’s been putting off an urgent meeting with her boss, Apostolos. And after raising a toast to Chantelle, Bernie encourages her mother to go and see him – because she reckons it might be a date! Is the Taylor family’s luck about to turn?

 ??  ?? Bernie is desperate to help Bailey
Bernie is desperate to help Bailey
 ??  ??

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