Inside Soap

Lily vs Ruby: the war is on!


- Kate White

There’s a storm brewing at Martin and Ruby’s house this week – as Lily decides to wage war on her wicked stepmother.

If Ruby thought that getting Stacey out of the picture was going to make her life easier, she didn’t bank on angry Lily’s reaction. She might be a child, but Lily has clocked on to Ruby’s part in her mother’s absence, and she’s determined to make life dif cult for her. Unfortunat­ely for Ruby, there’s no escape as Lily’s dad Martin is ercely protective of his kids – and Lily knows it…

“Lily is a Slater through and through – she’s just like her mum!” warns our Albert Square source. “Ruby has never had a gaggle of kids living under her roof, and she’s already struggling to manage. Lily spots her weaknesses, and seems hell-bent on winding her up. Ruby is going to rue the day she got rid of Stacey.”

Things kick off when Ruby arrives home to discover Lily and Hope cutting up her late mother’s wedding dress. She can’t believe they’ve wrecked this precious heirloom, and that Lily could have done it on purpose. Ruby demands that Lily gets out of her house, but there’s simply no way Martin will see his daughter sent away after just a few days.

Despite Ruby’s fury, Martin stands his ground – however, he’s caught in the middle as she and Lily continue to argue. Although when Ruby reveals that she’s had some bad news regarding her health and gets emotional about her MRI results, things change…

Martin tries to console his heartbroke­n wife, while Lily watches on and appears to feel terrible for her. Given that Lily bought Ruby owers when she lost her baby, it looks as though there might be a real breakthrou­gh between them as she offers a more sincere apology for upsetting her stepmum. But does she mean it?

“Lily’s no fool – she knows she has to keep her dad on side,” shares our insider. “While Lily may well be playing nice right now, Ruby shouldn’t rest on her laurels. Nobody is disputing how awful the miscarriag­e experience is for her, but she’s done all sorts of twisted and manipulati­ve things herself. Lily is Stacey’s child, and she won’t rest until she’s punished Ruby for her mum being gone. Ruby better watch her back.”

As Lily continues to scheme, what will her next move be?

“Ruby is going to rue the day she got rid of Stacey…”

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 ??  ?? Ruby is cut up about her mum’s wedding dress being torn to shreds
Ruby is cut up about her mum’s wedding dress being torn to shreds

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