Inside Soap

“It’s blown my mind! ”

Comedian Kiell Smith-Bynoe has us in stitches as he joins judges Patrick Grant and Esme Young for the sewing contest’s 10th series…

- Allison Jones

Sewing Bee’s back with a brand-new host – Ghosts star Kiell Smith-Bynoe stepping in alongside judges Patrick Grant and Esme Young, while regular presenter Sara Pascoe is on maternity leave. And as a former Celebrity Sewing Bee competitor, Kiell’s already familiar with the series’ now infamous Leeds-based sewing room…

“Going back brought back memories – some fond ones and some fearful ones,” shares Kiell. “When I did the Christmas special in 2021, I think it was the hardest day’s work I’ve ever done, I really do. I haven’t concentrat­ed on anything that much before or since!”

So as he prepares to get stuck in all over again, Kiell tells us what’s in store…

Hello, Kiell! How are you shaking down in your new hosting role?

You need a certain amount of likability, humour, tact… It’s important to try to put people at ease as they’re working rather than distract them. Make their life easier, rather than harder. That’s what I’m aiming for, anyway.

What’s the standard of the sewers this year?

I just couldn’t believe that people had these ideas and could put them together from scratch in the number of hours they had… and to perfection. It really blew my mind!

What can you tell us about them?

There’s a huge range of life experience there – the age range is wide: 20 to 84. We have teachers, someone from university, an office manager… all sorts, but they really love sewing. I wouldn’t say they were competitiv­e. If anything, it was too much the other way. People were always helping each other.

Did you have fun with Esme and Patrick?

Oh, Esme was dropping bangers in the green room non-stop. It was like having our own personal DJ! There’s a bit of a sing-song, often interrupte­d by us being told they’re ready for us to film…

Are any of your Ghosts co-stars fans of the show? The Ghosts lot are usually too busy working or with kids or dogs to watch TV – but they are all very excited about me doing this. Ben [Willbond, who plays The Captain] was the first one I told because I was with him when I was asked.

Who would you love to see in Celebrity Sewing Bee?

Lou Sanders is someone who seems to be able to turn her hand to anything; I’d love to see how she’d do. And my Stath Lets Flats co-star Natasia Demetriou. I’d like to find out what her capabiliti­es are…

It’s important to try to put people at ease as working” they’re


Career woman and mum-of-two Emma Averill is on the cusp of turning 40. Her mother had a violent psychotic breakdown on her own 40th – and now hugely sleep-deprived Emma fears she may be following suit. Can she face up to the ghosts of her past to prevent history from repeating itself?

What’s the story based on?

The six-parter is adapted from the novel by Sarah Pinborough (who also penned Behind Her Eyes). Emma (Vicky McClure) has a successful legal career and is a loving mum to Will and Chloe, but a few weeks before her 40th, she stops being able to sleep – just as her mother Patricia had done before her horrifying breakdown. Patricia always told Emma she had her “bad blood” – added to that, her estranged sister suddenly re-enters her life; their mother is hospitalis­ed, and she keeps inexplicab­ly finding herself in very strange situations…

Ah, Vicky McClure: so guns and bombs and stuff?

It’s explosions of a different kind here – but the thriller did have something relatable for the star. “I turned 40 last year, so I thought, ‘This is for me!’”

Vicky tells Inside TV. “Thankfully, I’ve never suffered with insomnia, but even just a bad night’s sleep can take you off-kilter. Emma is extremely out of sorts, and there are a lot of past complicati­ons that come back to haunt her.”

Anyone else I know in it?

Tom Cullen (The Gold’s John Palmer) plays Emma’s devoted husband Robert, and Leanne Best (Four Lives) is Emma’s distanced sister Phoebe.

This ‘psychotic breakdown’ stuff sounds a bit scary…

There are certainly some Omen-esque and ‘made-you-jump!’ moments. With director Börkur Sigthorsso­n of The Midwich Cuckoos at the helm, expect a creepy watch. “There were certain things that we were filming that felt freaky on the day,” shares Vicky. “But the way in which it’s been pieced together has really elevated it…”

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Sew sure: Kiell with this year’s contestant­s
Sew sure: Kiell with this year’s contestant­s
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 ?? ?? Anything for you: Devoted hubby Robert supports troubled Emma
Anything for you: Devoted hubby Robert supports troubled Emma
 ?? ?? Back for good?: Emma’s sister returns from travelling
Back for good?: Emma’s sister returns from travelling
 ?? ?? Devil inside: Emma visits her sick mum to try to shake o her demons
Devil inside: Emma visits her sick mum to try to shake o her demons
 ?? ??

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