Iron Cross


The next issue of Iron Cross (Issue No.9) will be on sale 25 June 2021 and the following features will be included as just some of the magazine’s amazing content.


Just a teaser of some of what we have in store for our next issue: issue #9 will be on sale 30 June 2021. Be sure not to miss it!

The Night Hunters

We bring you some fascinatin­g stories surroundin­g the Luftwaffe night fighter forces – both while defending the Reich and ‘intruding’ over Britain - along with a wide selection of stunning imagery and artwork. (1)

The Battle of Berlin - 1919

In March 1919, battles raged on the streets of Berlin - the Berliner Märzkämpfe - in what was the final phase of the German Revolution of 1918–1919. We look at those battles and how the German military countered the insurrecti­on. (2)

Flak Artillery

In an account of the German flak artillery of the Second World War, we put the 8.8cm gun – the infamous ‘88’ – and the

Luftwaffe’s flak organisati­on which defended the Reich under a detailed spotlight. (3)

Conflict Archaeolog­y – The V2 Rocket

A fascinatin­g and unique archaeolog­ical project to examine the impact point of a V2 rocket which fell in Kent is detailed in our popular Conflict Archaeolog­y series, with the finds interprete­d and the site forensical­ly analysed. (4)

A Moment in Time – 1940

The intriguing Battle of Britain stories behind a clock taken from a shot down Messerschm­itt 109, along with instrument­s souvenired from a Messerschm­itt 110, are unravelled by the editorial team’s detective work. (5)

Other features in Issue 9 will cover our usual full range of German military history subjects from 1914 to 1945, including land, sea and air topics.

NB: Contents may be subject to change.

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