Kent Messenger Maidstone

Seal has pub goers rubbing their eyes


PUNTERS at a riverside pub may have thought they had drunk one too many when they spotted a seal on the bank.

Customers at The Chequers, in Aylesford High Street, couldn’t believe their eyes on Sunday when the creature stopped for a break after swimming in the River Medway.

The animal’s presence caused quite a stir in the village with people rushing over to take a look at about 6.30pm.

But landlord Peter Collins wasn’t too fazed by the flippered friend as it is actually a regular.

He said: “The seal has stopped by at about this time for the last few years. It doesn’t seem bothered by people taking pictures. In fact, it’s a bit of an attention seeker. We often see it sunning itself on the riverbank or splashing about.”

Mr Collins said the marine mammal usually stays for a couple of days before swimming away until next time.

A spokesman from British Divers Marine Life Rescue, said it was likely the animal followed fish up the river.

The organisati­on was made aware of the sighting but did not attend as the creature was not in any danger or distress.

 ??  ?? The seal takes a break
The seal takes a break

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