Kent Messenger Maidstone

School a welcome addition to area


I am writing in response to the recent letters about Jubilee School not being required in Gatland Lane and being used by parents that aren’t local.

We have a child at Jubilee School and it is one mile from our house and walking distance, therefore in our catchment area. We did not get any of our three school choices (all local); therefore I disagree a school isn’t needed in our catchment area as it clearly is required.

I know a lot of other parents of children at Jubilee School live near it and this year’s intake will be via KCC admission requiremen­ts, which are based on location.

The local community did ask for this school and it is a welcome addition to an over-subscribed area. Kelly Shoebridge Dean Street, Maidstone. of the vote and yet the Tories ‘won’ the election. The remaining 35% voted for neither of the two main parties.

Adding together all the ‘anti Tory’ votes in the election, this then becomes a majority.

In Kent, every MP is a Tory and in a fair society this would mean that almost everyone in Kent is a Tory. What representa­tion do any of the hundreds of thousands of people not voting Tory have in Parliament? None.

The status quo is maintained and they are disenfranc­hised, despite what you say.

I have lived in Maidstone all my life. I am now 62 years old and have never had, nor will ever have, any representa­tion in any election because I don’t vote Conservati­ve.

I will still vote, though. One day a miracle will happen and the electorate will get a fair representa­tion of their views in a fair system of Government, but I won’t be holding my breath. John Stephens via email accommodat­e such large increases in the volume of traffic that will go through the town centre.

Perhaps the large sums of money paid by developers to MBC and KCC resulting from financial obligation­s from Section 106 Agreements and the new Community Infrastruc­ture Levy on gaining planning approval should be put towards a new bypass.

Ms Wilson mentions the new gyratory system in the town and J5 at the M20 – these are schemes in the future and not now. No mention of the chaos caused while these are under constructi­on.

Incidental­ly, I believe that any draft plan would be drafted by planning officers, under the supervisio­n of the head of planning, in consultati­on with others and would then be sent to committee for final approval. Neil Gorham via email

 ??  ?? Sue Boon believes that a little noise from farming work is a price worth paying for living in a village
Sue Boon believes that a little noise from farming work is a price worth paying for living in a village

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