Kent Messenger Maidstone

Council won’t fund river festival


It doesn’t look as though anyone will throw the Maidstone River Festival a lifeline any time soon.

Maidstone council’s culture committee considered whether the borough should step in to reinstate the festival, which last ran fully two years ago.

Boats have continued to gather each year despite there being no official event.

The first festival held in 1980 was run by a committee of volunteers. But from 2008, charges for policing made it difficult for organisers to cover rising costs.

Maidstone council was increasing­ly called upon to give the festival financial support, and in 2013 spent £25,972.

Cllr Dave Naghi (Lib Dem) was keen to see the festival restored – entirely under the wing of the borough council.

He said it could become the town’s signature event as part of a culture month, linking in with the Leeds Castle concert and Headcorn Aerodrome show.

He pointed out the last festival had brought 20,000 visitors.

But the council’s head of commercial developmen­t, Dawn Hudd, advised against, saying it would cost £75,000 to £100,000.

She said there was anecdotal evidence the town’s traders did not think business improved as a result.

Cllr Annabelle Blackmore (Con) was strongly against it.

She said it had always been difficult for police to control, with related alcohol and drug problems, and a big clean-up operation afterwards.

Maidstone council supports two events: Proms in the Park, which cost £14,000 last time, and Maidstone Mela at £15,500.

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River festival proves popular

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