Kent Messenger Maidstone

Mother’s gift of cocaine for her daughter’s 18th

- @KM_newsroom

A mum who bought cocaine to celebrate her daughter’s 18th birthday has walked free from court.

Nicola Austen booked a limousine to London for the special day along with the Class A drug to ensure they would ‘have a good time’.

The 37- year- old mother claimed it was the reason she had almost 6g of the drug concealed in a window at her home in Bright Ridge, Southborou­gh.

Austen went to Maidstone Crown Court on Friday with a bag packed prepared for a jail sentence, but she walked free after a judge decided nine months imprisonme­nt could be suspended and 250 hours unpaid work imposed instead.

Prosecutor Craig Evans said police went to Austen’s house on January 31 last year and while searching her bedroom a drugs dog showed interest.

Twelve packages weighing 5.65g with a purity of about 87 per cent were found tucked away in the window.

Mr Evans said Austen admitted having the drug to celebrate her daughter’s birthday.

“She wanted to make sure they had a good time,” he said.

Austen, who admitted possessing cocaine with intent to supply, had six previous conviction­s.

Danny Moore, defending, said there would be an adverse effect on a young boy in the family if Austen were sent to prison. She also provided respite and care for her grandmothe­r.

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Nicola Austen
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