Kent Messenger Maidstone

Collin to make Bay loan move



Frannie Collin is joining Herne Bay on loan for a month. The striker will be available for Maidstone’s home game against Havant & Waterloovi­lle tomorrow (Saturday, 3pm) before linking up with Ryman League, Division 1 South Bay next week. Stones boss Jay Saunders said: “A lot of Ryman Premier clubs came in but the majority were further afield and would have been a problem with his work. “You could look at it and think ‘no, we don’t want him going to a Ryman South club’ but we just want him playing and Herne Bay are doing well this year so he should get plenty of chances to score some goals.” Stones goalkeeper Lee Worgan is good friends with Collin (pictured) and expects him to benefit from his loan spell. Worgan said: “I’ve known Frannie a long time. He’s one of the best players I’ve played with – and still is. He’s in that rut that forwards get into and it becomes difficult when you’re not playing. A striker of his calibre just needs games. He wants to go and play and if we can get him out and scoring goals, he’ll feed off that and come back full of confidence.” Collin started the first two games for Maidstone this season but has been on the bench since. He hasn’t scored but Worgan feels his work for the team shouldn’t be overlooked. He added: “Jay May has been up top on his own with Frannie playing deeper, so he’s sacrificed what he brings in terms of goals. “You read the reports saying he’s not scoring but people need to remember the role he’s playing. “He’s been dropping deep to help the team. I think I saw him at right-back against Sutton.”

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