Kent Messenger Maidstone

Junction chaos leaves shoppers stuck for hours

- By Suz Elvey @SuzElvey

An MP is calling for an end to chaos on an Aylesford business park where drivers have been trapped in traffic for up to two hours.

Getting in and out of Sainsbury’s car park on the Quarry Wood Industrial Park is notoriousl­y difficult at times – the whole area gets clogged up and roads all round the estate, including near Pets at Home and Homebase, are frequently at a standstill.

Aylesford MP Tracey Crouch said: “Quite simply, it’s chaos. It’s not unusual for it to take 30 or 45 minutes to get out of the car park.

“One Saturday the traffic was so bad we actually re-parked and went back to the shops for a coffee – it was no better when we returned to the car.

“Something has to be done, there has to be a review of the situation.”

When Miss Crouch, who represents Chatham and Aylesford, posted about the congestion on her Facebook page, it was read by 38,000 people and attracted more than 140 comments agreeing with her.

One woman told Miss Crouch her friend spent two hours queueing and, two weeks ago, driver Lee Mumbles contacted the Kent Messenger to say he was trapped in Sainsbury’s car park for more than an hour.

Miss Crouch, who has written to Kent County Council about the issue, said the problem has been around for months but is getting steadily worse.

“I thought a few months ago that perhaps the traffic problems were related to a change in timings for the lights,” she said.

“Then I put it down to some flooding on the A20 after a heavy downpour. I think in hindsight it was generous of me to find alternativ­e reasons for this chaos, when actually it is just poor traffic management.”

Some shops send staff out to direct traffic, but Miss Crouch said the problem is created at the roundabout and is not the fault of businesses.

She said it will only be made worse by planned developmen­t in the area, including in Hermitage Lane, and action needs to be taken now.

Miss Crouch added: “I am not a traffic management expert, but it could be something as simple as changing the timing on the traffic lights but then it could be something more fundamenta­l such as different entrance and exits from the estate.”

A Sainsbury’s spokesman said: “When it’s very busy, the road layout does affect our customers. We have introduced traffic marshals at busy times and are working with the local authority to solve the problem.”

A Kent County Council spokesman said: “We have received Tracey Crouch’s letter and we will respond to it.”

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MP Tracey Crouch wants an end to the traffic chaos
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